Grand Debate, Steep Accusations

Started by Random_White_Guy, April 12, 2023, 05:37:37 AM

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The Grand Debate, a tradition called by the Chief Scribe as one for entertainment and excitement, was an affair of question and answer like most any other.

Voiced individuals came forward with their questions for the Candidates Lynneth of the White League, Sol Auk of the Gold League, and the newly raised Cyrille Monteglas of the Purple League.

The day dominated by most of Cyrille's rise, as with his trademark charm he immediately leaped into the fray of Ephian politics: Congratulated by Sol Auk, immediately called a Charlatan by Ex-Candidate Aubrey, and assailed by Candidate Lynneth. Matters came to a head with rumor running wild of a heated Open Forum of the Purple League's offices. For many hours there was silence in the streets - so much so that Sol Auk canceled his own planned debate, but announcing he had secured the Endorsement of the Astronomers of Q'tolip. Shortly thereafter was a showing by the Purple League of unity and gusto, making for the Debate with more liveliness than one could have expected if rumors to be believed.

The Debate opened with a question about Astronomer License, before pivoting to further indepth questions by the Voiced aplenty. Ranging from Voiced Isabella's persistent requests of security, Voiced Mirit's attempt to ask which of our neighbors we would break to our will... and later about seducing Velan Volandis, Inspector Daoud's queries about Licensure, Magistrate Argus' questions about Cyrille's courtroom past, Apothar Azimi's questions about Lynneth's future with the Rose, Janissary Gaeyn's questions about the Qa'imi and Pra'raj, and the usual response from Sol Auk of "The voiced will tend that policy".

Tensions throughout the night waxed and waned - spiking, never quite sparking, as Kythaela the Lion and Azimi squared off in an extended bout of name calling, cruel barbs, and more. However as with most instances - Once the figure of authority left the room, the Chief Scribe excusing herself for the evening, but opening the floor to any other questions did the festivities begin.

QuoteAubrey Domergue: Sol Auk - will you, here and now, explain to us the reason you coerced Sephidra into dropping out of race with the threat of her exile and execution?

As one may expect of such a declaration in the Assembly Chamber, response was near instant

Quote[DM] Abala: -- There is hushed murmuring in the audience... --

[hide=The crowd's reaction]Kragg  Stonefury: [Gasp]
Cyrille Monteglas: Oh!
Estellise Azimi: [She stops on her way out and turns back.]
Mari Blacke: [a skeptical loft of a brow]
Alexander Bestworth V: I do not recall Sol Auk having that kind of authority.
Cyrille Monteglas: Ohoho!
Monteglas: Ahahah!
lexander Bestworth V: Given he is not a legionaire.
Mari Blacke: Have you been drinking, Aubrey?
Kythaela Reithel: She did in front of us, so yes..
Isabelle Fitzgerald: *She watched in silence; sipping.*
Lynneth: [She just silently trails her gaze, from Aubrey, toward Sol Auk.]
Kythaela Reithel: [A snort.]
Cyrille Monteglas: Oh, I can answer that one. I can!
Aubrey Domergue: He does not have the authority, no, Bestworth. Not presently. But someone with a great deal of dinar might give him the funds to power his campaign and ensure that he does secure the seat of Legate and *have* the authority to do so.
Cyrille Monteglas: Do you want me to, Sol, or shall you?
Mirit Al-Ismat: *she mouth widens into a broad and happy grin, fire dancing in her eyes*
Lynneth: I think this a question worth our undivided consideration.
Argus Sesterius: *a brief laugh at Aubrey, before controlling it with a shake of his head*
Isabelle Fitzgerald: *Her gaze set on Sol Auk.*[/hide]

QuoteSol Auk: First it was poison, I believe? He was Accused? Now this? But no, Balladeer - To answer your question, Sol Auk did not partake of any act of coercion, nor pressure Sephidra at all to exit of the race with threat of her exile and execution.

QuoteCyrille Monteglas: Really?...
Cyrille Monteglas: Because Sephidra... told me the same...?
Estellise Azimi: You have spoken to Sephidra since she took ill?
Cyrille Monteglas: [he taps the podium...] I have. Naelin led me to her, you know. We spoke on it.
sabelle Fitzgerald: *A brow raised.*
Alexander Bestworth V: So she is ill now she got blackmailed by Auk?
Alexander Bestworth V: Which is it?
Mari Blacke: Was that the ploy? The dull candidate feigns illness to pass baton with a wild tale for the next to defame? Spare us.
Sol Auk: Poison, Blackmail, Execution. Sol Auk is a pacifist, as are many Stonefolk.
Cyrille Monteglas: She's not ill at all. In fact, she's quite alright. But she has absconded because she feared her life...
Cyrille Monteglas: Because it seems a certain Banafsi diplomat wanted her extradited.
Cyrille Monteglas: Fifteen thousand dinars, Sol Auk. That's the price, isn't it?Estellise Azimi: Mgh.
Sol Auk: You are the only one standing here with 15,000 Dinar, Voiced Cyrille.
Sol Auk: Or do you think we not hear your jangling purse?

Advocate Cyrille settling well into the podium as accusation swirls, stories spin, crowd takes to grow more and more incensed. Accusations flowing, questions asked, answered, Voiced of the Gold speaking out for their Candidate while once more within the Assembly Chamber fly free accusations of the steepest nature.

While it is hard to say for certain how long this went on for, a few choice pieces stood out.

QuoteLynneth: Aye, I remember this well. They kicked me out of the room, when I brought the Lion in tow.
Cyrille Monteglas: Lynneth was invited too, you know. But she was excused! Kythaela was there.

QuoteSol Auk: But no. Sol Auk did not pressure anything upon Voiced Sephidra, but he shall weather accusation as he does all other.

QuoteAubrey Domergue: How long do you think that lie will last, Sol Auk, before people uncover the truth of your dealings?
Cyrille Monteglas: Would you want to take the *risk* of installing a Banafsi plant? Someone who will extradite its citizens for *execution*?
Cyrille Monteglas: I hope not, people of the Well. I really hope not...

QuoteSol Auk: [It takes another drink from the cup] Any legitimate questions?

QuoteLynneth: Let us have a well-spirited debate upon this, in the great Asterabadian fashion. Surely if we all put our heads together here, we can get to the bottom of this.
Aubrey Domergue: I think this is a legitimate question and the fact that you are doggedly trying to avoid it is, in my mind, indication enough that you are a scurrilous and frequent liar.
Sol Auk: Sol Auk has answered your question, Balladeer. He dodged nothing.

QuoteArgus Sesterius: Cyrille.. Sephidra has never struck me as particularly cowardly. Why is it that you're speaking here in freshly dyed robes, and not her, but are able to speak for her? Wouldn't this plot be simply undone by her using a Bellows, of which the Torchbearers know many?

QuoteEstellise Azimi: Bring Sephidra here to speak for herself.
Estellise Azimi: If she isn't ill.
Estellise Azimi: I wish to know the truth. I think we all do.
Cyrille Monteglas: Yes, that's the right question. Let's bring Sephidra here.
Daoud al-Maaz: "Is there any reason these matters are being brought up during a campaign debate and were not, instead, previously raised to Jannisaries as a serious investigation?"
Aubrey Domergue: Why indeed, Daoud!
Mari Blacke: Theatre, I suppose.

Janissary dispatched to fetch of the withdrawn candidate,
Voiced on both side with slings and bullets proverbially thrown,
A tempest of chaos and accusation of the highest order.
Treason? Execution? Poison? Yet for all the talk - it remained such a thing. Soon though did come the Captain of the Torchbearers enter the chamber

Quote[DM] Abala: -- As Naelin of the Torchbearers walk in, all eyes are turned upon her. --
Naelin Karstwen: [She freezes, looking as if she had just set foot in a beartrap.]
Estellise Azimi: This is Naelin, not Sephidra. Naelin's the one who told us she was sick.
Cyrille Monteglas: Naelin can provide the story.
Aubrey Domergue: Naelin. I apologize. I have put you in an uncomfortable spot.
Argus Sesterius: Naelin, theres been some rather dark rumors raised, we'd ask you shed some light.
Sol Auk: Sol Auk has not done as Aubrey has said, nor Poisoned as was accused earlier this day.
Aubrey Domergue: Well, darling, I was accused of poisoning Sephidra quite vociferously by members of the Gold and Purple Leagues, so at least we have that in common.

There is a beat of pause as Aubrey also confesses to enduring vociferous and spurious threats, before the Torchbearer takes to speak.

QuoteNaelin Karstwen: ...What, exactly, is being asked of me here?
Aubrey Domergue: Naelin-
Argus Sesterius: Why did your fellow Torchbearer withdraw?
Argus Sesterius: That is the core of it
Aubrey Domergue: I have asked Sol Auk to explain to this room why he though to coerce Sephidra to drop out of this race on threat of extradition and execution at the hands of Banafsi.
Aubrey Domergue: He claims I have levied a spurious accusation upon him.
Aubrey Domergue: Cyrille claims elsewise.
Aubrey Domergue: We wish you to clarify the matter, if you would be so kind.
Estellise Azimi: Cyrille has stated a number of troubling things we need you to clear up.
Aubrey Domergue: Being a close associate, as you are, of the former candidate.
Isabelle Fitzgerald: ... it alarms me... that Sephidra still hasn't shown yet.*A deeper frown creeping in.*

QuoteSol Auk: And it alarms Sol Auk this is the second time a public assembly used to hurl accusation of gravity.

Lynneth: It is a serious accusation, though.
Cyrille Monteglas: One that is worth the consideration!

Naelin Karstwen: Illness, as stated. [She mutters, through pursed lips.] She rests, as we speak. If answers are sought, then I suggest doing so with her present, as well.

QuoteSol Auk: Aubrey also accused Cyrille of being a Serpent.
Aubrey Domergue: It was a question. You are avoiding the question. And Cyrille, opponent of mine as he is, has backed up the claim. We seek the truth through public forum.
lexander Bestworth V: This is the land of the Sultan.
Isabelle Fitzgerald: *A look down at Mirit; resigned in its nature.*
Cyrille Monteglas: She just loves teasing, Sol Auk.
Alexander Bestworth V: Proof is in our courts

QuoteEstellise Azimi: Don't speak over Naelin. She is clarifying.
Argus Sesterius: Are you going to accuse her of lying now, if her answers don't match what you wish?
Aubrey Domergue: No. But I am going to suggest that Sephidra must fear for her life quite greatly if she is so insistent upon playing the tune Sol Auk has carefully laid out for her.

Naelin Karstwen: Sephidra is clearly not present, or able to make an appearance. I am her associate and confidant, but I will not speak for her. She is unwell. Further clarification will have to come from her.
Naelin Karstwen: [The elf speaks stiffly. Tersely. Throughout it all, her gaze remains fixed upon Sol Auk.]
Naelin Karstwen: [She is not smiling.]

Sol Auk: [It takes another sip from the drink] Yes. We have move well passed debate.
Sol Auk: Lynneth. Cyrille. Gratitude for your attendance. Let us do such again soon, yes?
Cyrille Monteglas: Look at her, death in her eyes.
Cyrille Monteglas: It's been great, Sol Auk.
Lynneth: Mm. In truth I have violated my firm anti-debate policy by being here, but I think it has given us all much to think on.
Cyrille Monteglas: Good luck in the election.
Sol Auk: Not all things are theater, Balladeer Aubrey.
Kythaela Reithel: [Pats Naelins shoulder.]
Aubrey Domergue: I think I have made my point.
Argus Sesterius: Its allowed some rather dark rumors, with the only called witness saying otherwise, certainly.
Mari Blacke: The sort of histronic theatrics that saw Syter slain.

As a mixture of election fatigue and revelation that nothing is coming to light this evening, did the Janissaries dismiss the crowd.

Once-Candidate Firebrand Aubrey flinging dangerous charges at another Gold League Candidate during makeshift Assembly with seemingly little proof, settling in the court of public opinion.
While Candidate Lynneth seemingly content to let her more ferocious partner speak with impunity.

Once-White Advocate turned Purple Candidate Cyrille taking an unexpected deviation in impromptu Prosecution, marshaling the crowd with aplomb through out the ad-hoc proceedings.
A Syter-Esque glee in the chaos of the crowd and the size of the accusations lain sprinkling his special knowledge and secret revelations that He, Personally, has met with Sephidra since her illness.

...And Sol Auk? The stoic political figure at the eye of the storm, showed similar as it had in every public encounter. A level head, clear purpose for the Voiced, seemingly nonplussed by the howls of the Humans in the Chamber.
Accusations of illicit dealings with the Banafsian Government, A City-State known widely for its cracking down on corruption and graft in its own ports.
Yet thrown out like a molotov in the middle of a public debate, rather than the Janissary Courthouse, lends to question.

After the Stonefolk's departure many though taking to continue questioning and circling around the Elven Captain of the Torchbearers.

Many remembering her stare as she said nothing was wrong.

...the evening proved more eventful than the Chief Scribe anticipated, it seems. Commonly stating it is often meant an evening of entertainment.
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[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips