O, Gellema...

Started by Random_White_Guy, April 21, 2023, 03:49:21 AM

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For weeks has the stain of the Wyrm sat etched across the robust, ponderous, and glorious Orb of the Stele.  Tonight at long last such has changed.

Over the Last few days, call was raised for Clergy of the Well to come forward. Those not called were offered to bring in their holy works, scripture, and proving of worth. It appears only three such came forward.

And of the Three, was one chosen, as Sol Auk took to speak.

O, Gellema...
May the Intrigues of Diakos and his fetid Wyrm gain no traction.
May the House of Baharu not scar our home as they do their flesh in secret.
May the Enemies of Ephia learn well the woe, the ruin,
and the agony of seeking ill intent upon us.

The Stele is carved.

From both supporters and detractors, come a torrent of Bellows

[hide=High Priest Mari Blacke]
Rejoice! Rejoice! My children beneath the night sky! The darkness between the stars yawns wide and it smiles! Gellema smiles! In Her arms Ephia's Well is embraced, misfortune cast aside and outward. What must be hidden shall hide. A grand portent!

Our enemies will find their works a'crumble. Our weaknesses hidden from searching blades. She is ambition! She is inspiration! See your heart with eyes unclouded! Know that your -soul- has a -shape- if you've the will to percieve it! Seek! Live! Drink!

I am Mari Blacke, High Priestess of My Lady Between the Stars, Gellema. The Sabotage. If this be an age of Ruin, let it not be -our- Ruin. If the storm must rage, let Ephia's Well sit in the eye of it, sublime. And those of the Wheel, take heart-

To exalt the spoke of our Lady is not to discard the rest. B'aara shall yet mend the broken. The stars of Idzu yet twinkle while fierce Kula's Moon reflects Her glory beside. The Warrior's arrow will find purchase. The Wroth yet find His revenge.

The Twindarii will shepherd the dead. Warad will watch as we chart our paths. And over and through and between and around it all- Gellema. Let yourself be set alight though you will not burn. Take us in hand as a torch and save this dying land, this dying dream.

Empty a place for Her in your hearts as we have. You need not walk this dream alone. The vessel you empty, She will fill. The chalice- upturned- becomes Her temple. The cup by which we will restore the wastes. Rejoice. Live. And Dream well. Dream fiercely.[/hide]

[hide=And less optimistic follow suit]Lashyn Amangeldi
I pray to the wanderer to guide us through this time.. That darkness now covers the path, that we have not made this choice out of fear, out of parinoia, to close our eyes.. I shall pray that we see the ambition brought by dreams and are not lost in their deep torpor. That we stumble not occluded.

That the destroyer of past and truth, can be moderated.. and that we can still find our way without the needful guide of illusion.

Shae Winterbloom
Fear not my friends, for the wheel shall turn again. And true faith is written in hearts, not in stone. So long as we keep Truth close, no name written on a slab will diverge you from the right path. When you look up upon the night sky, see not the darkness behind, but the twinkling stars of hope, the Falling-

-Star running across the firmament unhindered by darkness or lies. See it, and dare to Wish for the best. Dare to hope for better, not just to avoid the worst...[/hide]

Of good, or for ill, may yet be known. The Heresy though known once upon the Stele said to be scoured at long last. Though some hold reticence of new choice...

QuoteDM Shout:

Gellema is upon the Stele of Law.
Hushed whispers spread through the Well: Incredulous, baffled, and concerned.
Among a few corners, celebration in strange and occult ritual,
venerating the place among the Stars where They surely dwell.

Theirs is a curious faith.
No grand temples exist in the Well.
One or two, perhaps, in Baz'eel.
Perhaps, say the optimistic, it is as the Legate says.
Gellema shall turn the curse of the Wyrm upon those that wrought it.
They will write over only the Bashmu-kar's etchings.

Surely, nothing more than this.
Surely, no sabotage of the Well.
Surely, all shall be well in the end, these optimists say.
But murmurs abound of what shall come of it
And many decry the new Legate a fool (or terribly mislead) for his decision.

All agree that interesting times await the Well.

[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips