The Colmes Doctrine

Started by Random_White_Guy, April 28, 2023, 05:48:07 AM

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Late in the evening as he returned from Ynis Eilir, Sol Auk took to raise an unexpected series of bellows

QuoteLegate Sol Auk
During Tammuz Allotment said Sergeant Rennik Colmes on the matter of more servere crimes and threats - 'It is what should remain the concerns of our Legion, moreso than petty complaints'.

Said to Sol Auk by Chief Scribe Frederica Ashbury: 'The laws can be changed, so long as you and the other Legate agree'. As Sol Auk sits singular legate, comes forth an ease of burden upon the Fourth. Comes forth the Colmes Doctrine.

Men and Women of Voiced Status by service or in merit of Wealth shall sit with privilege comparable to their commitment to Ephia's Well. They shall sit while adorned in Accord Uniform or Voiced Toga, immune to the charges of Minor crime.

They have proven their commitment to be men and woemn of worthy society, and as such society shall reward them in kind. In coming days the price of Voiced shall be raised to reflect this increased social value. If you are not yet Voiced, secure such soon to enjoy these benefit, before increase. Live and Drink.

What was a relatively quiet evening shifted quickly as overhead was seen a Royal Skiff descending, and to the streets many forces marching

QuoteDM Shout
Some bustle can be made out upon the floating island above. Geomancers and laborers flit this way and that at the edges of the Sublime Residence.

QuoteKythaela Reithel
Minor Crimes of Ephia's Well, as per the Halls of Jurisprudence..

Unlawful Resistance: Verbal Taunting. Verbal Refusal. Destruction, Theft, Vandalism, Two-fifty gold each. Assault, unarmed. Desecration, tampering with graves and lifting things from them. Reckless Endangerment: Accidental. Arms bearing.

Now that sounds like a full days worth of activities to me. Live and Drink!

QuoteDM Shout
A small skiff sails down from the residence above, after a brief pause to pray. The opulent mobile shrine Her Basin makes a graceful landing at the Eagle's Mount, before a royal coterie departs.

The Crown Princess with two Janissary Ogre, a Geomancer, and Sol Auk in tow make to the parapet with Sergeant Rennik Colmes and Champion Marriet the Madsword atop the Pyramid watching on as matters play out...

[hide= Cinquefoil Rose Undertakings]Aubrey Domergue
All hail Sol Auk, Sultan of Ephia's Well! Long may he reign as Champion of Gellema, Bringer of Misfortune upon all! I suggest we all celebrate this evocative new doctrine by beating our Legate with our fists and stealing 250 dinar each. What say you, friends? It seems the citadel our sovereign wishes!

Shae Winterbloom
Sol Auk... Once I though you had simply done mistakes. I sought to offer quiet advice. I see now that I was wrong, and so this time I will be loud. In search of ever growing power, you burn the Well to the ground. You've invited Sabotage into our city, are bringing chaos and crime, destroying our home and carefully structured society as much as any wyrm cultist. I suspect I am not the only one to think it, but I will be the one to say it. There is only one word for what you are doing. Treason.

Kythaela Reithel
It took me twenty minutes, but we're four in.. [Huffing and panting.] Next, we'll work on Minor Theft and Minor Assault. Accepting. Volunteers. [Panting continues, as foodsteps fade.]

Aubrey Domergue
A thousand dinar to whichever Voice has the bravery and tenacity to pummel Gers Geiger with their fists and steal a Minor Offense's worth of dinar. Let us demonstrate to the Gold League the folly of supporting and electing this raucous, insidious creature of Gellema.[/hide]

Amidst the early cries from three of the Rose and ensuing chaos, came a litany of rebuking by many Voiced the Gold League. Voiced Champion Marriet challenging Aubrey to put her dinar where her mouth is, Alchemist Gers and Aubrey taking to bellowing past one another, Chairman Argus offering chastisement, Voiced Nadiri  Tallariel of the Gold counseling new wisdom sought, and similar voices of reason...

QuoteDM Shout:
-- An amount of unrest begins to unfold in protest of the newly arranged 'law' laid down by a seemingly unchallenged legate... Janissaries find themselves with more work than they had ever once had keeping simple peace --

QuoteDM Shout:
After some time, the royal company can be seen to depart the Pyramid. Ascending the Mount, they embark upon 'Her Basin' - gongs and chimes glinting all along its broad deck. It lifts slowly into the air and comes to rest upon the Residence above once more.

With the Princesses departure, amidst further sowed strife in the one-hour span of time that 'Minor Crimes" permitted by the Voiced, came further bellows.

Citizens of Ephia's Well.
The Testing is concluded and as the Crown Princess and her retinue depart, full Order is restored.
For you see the Colmes Doctrine was not a gift of immunity to the Voiceless at all. No. It was in fact - A test.

Sergeant Colmes has made a career of inviting the criminal elements to the Garrison, and the Courthouse.
Often with belief they were beyond reproach. We have utilized such in force amplification to test the Voiced.
And while a great many of you passed, some of you failed most spectacularly.

Take solace in knowing the Crown Princess herself watched on, knows your names, and was in our very Well during your little... Tantrums.
Most telling. Most telling indeed...
Sergeant you no doubt have some new insights gleaned from such, may it aid in your works to come.

While some of the Rose such as Balladeer Aubrey were equally quick to discount such as mere posturing after chastisement from the Princess,
While Balladeer Lynneth demanded apology from those who would call her a "Destabilizing influence"  but never legalizing crime...
While Balestriere Kythala crooned over breaking as many minor laws as possible as if it were sport...

... It is undeniable that some of the Voiced of the Cinquefoil Rose, for better or worse, took full advantage of the opportunity.
While the Crown Princess herself was in the well they descended to pettiest crime.
Publicly calling for violent attacks upon the Legate, bounty upon other Voiced, and more.
With talks of "Further Works" from the Sergeant yet to come...

The Colmes Doctrine takes effect.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips