Upstanding Gentleman

Started by Alchemists Never Die, August 02, 2023, 07:25:35 PM

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Alchemists Never Die

*Tucked tight in the grates and folded four times with a wax seal*

I know you killed our Guildmaster so kill Cosine too and we'll call it even

Upstanding Gentleman

Dear lingering student of alchemy,

 While I understand that you may yet cling to a now broken guild and assuredly have nightmares of lacking the thing any good citizen has, purpose, I am a man of business and will make amends with you for the prince of 6,000 dinar. This would need to be paid up front of course and delivered to one of my trusted advisors. If you accept this contract, then we might see to those pesky details.

-An Upstanding Gentleman