A Letter to the sitting Legates

Started by Blue41, May 22, 2024, 06:35:10 PM

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To follow up on our discussion two nights ago in regards to measures that can and should be taken in light of our war with Iakmes, I wished to provide written support on a few measures in particular.

The first in regards to withholding the allotment. The financial burden of our conflict should not fall merely upon the shoulders of the Voiced or the Voiceless; many hands make light work. For that reason, I would support that all branches of the Accord be limited in the amount allotted to them for the near future, with the surplus funds flowing instead into the Council of War's fund. Ten to fifteen thousand would be my suggestion for the maximum allotted, but I lack the insight as to the currently available funds. To organizations and individuals writ on the Stele, I would impose tighter limitations still. Magistrates in particular should be paid on a per trial basis rather than a steady wage, considering how rarely capital trials occur of late.

The second is in regards to mandated conscription. I've held off on making the decision for this for some time, as the time did not feel right for it, but my gut tells me that time is now. There are half measures that could be made, mandating that only Voiced or Voiceless are conscripted, but I think we are past that point as well. To wit-- everyone not currently in uniform, lending their energies to the war effort will be conscripted into a branch of the Accord. This conscription will be in effect until the end of the conflict with Iakmes, at which point they may be released from service if they so choose. If you deem it necessary to provide some additional benefit to the conscripted, offer them their Voice for this service, or a war bond if they are already Voiced. Immunity to this can be offered to citizens of Baz'eel.

Now is the time to mobilize our forces and prepare Ephia for total victory. It will require everyone's effort and cooperation.

Lt. R. Colmes

big metal rod


Very good.  Very good indeed.  A man must put his house in order.  It is my full intention to pivot the Allotment toward more productive ends. 

It is my opinion that recruitment efforts for the IVth Legion must be further galvanized.  Send me a list of your ideas.