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Messages - Cerberus

Screen Shots & Obituaries /
October 20, 2014, 03:21:45 AM
Raggz is going to miss Kim :(
You brought her to life so I didn't even think of the player behind her pulling the puppet strings.
Well played!
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
October 17, 2014, 09:39:07 PM
Loved to dislike him with one PC and enjoyed working for him with another.
Well played!
Bug Reports /
September 21, 2014, 05:22:41 PM
I'm getting the same thing with my greyling.
I'm getting the horse mount option on the toolset radial menu instead of the class icon. So am unable to set them to the speedbar.
Suggestions /
August 30, 2014, 08:25:29 PM
Tackle box
Box container
This container has several small slots that would make holding bait easy and organized.

* Bait reduced to 80% of weight
* +1 EFUSS Fishing when in inventory
Off-topic Discussion /
May 30, 2014, 03:52:50 PM
[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="3"]Pax Muller
[COLOR="Olive"][COLOR="firebrick"]River of Dreams[/COLOR][/COLOR]

Will he ever find what he's looking for...[/SIZE][/FONT]
Off-topic Discussion /
August 09, 2013, 10:47:10 PM
[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="4"][COLOR="firebrick"]Pax Muller[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

Screen Shots & Obituaries /
June 25, 2013, 09:29:02 PM
:cool: Cool PC, wish I could have interacted more with him.  :(
Suggestions /
May 24, 2013, 04:38:45 PM
[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Firebrick"]Slave[/COLOR][/SIZE]  (fighter perk)
You are  slave, either born into it, or recently enslaved by one of the many bands of slavers that inhabit the island. You are dominated!
NOTE: This perk can only be taken if you have a "Master" PC to submit to.

Level 1:  -1 will ([SIZE="1"]you have been dominated and lost your will[/SIZE]), +1 hide, +3 MS ([SIZE="1"]You learn not to upset your master by being loud and obnoxious[/SIZE])
Level 5:  Sleep anywhere without a fire ([SIZE="1"]You have learned to sleep where-ever and when-ever you can[/SIZE]), Heal +2 ([SIZE="1"]You have learned to better bind your own wounds[/SIZE]), Gain 1 healing herb each reset ([SIZE="1"]You can make bandages out of most anything and have a habit of collecting such for later use[/SIZE]).
Level 8:  +1 will ([SIZE="1"]you have accepted and submitted to your position and no longer fight it, your will is your own[/SIZE]), +1/soak ([SIZE="1"]you have toughened yourself against the beatings and learned to ignore the pain aspect of each wound.[/SIZE])

[COLOR="firebrick"]Note:[/COLOR] This "slave" perk is something that just came to me and I only quickly added some bonuses that might make sense. Of course it would be subject to change but I kinda like the general concept of it.
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
May 18, 2013, 11:12:12 PM
I loved to hate him. Well played, :cool: PC
General Discussion /
April 18, 2013, 06:41:14 PM
It would make much more sense if it were some sort of die roll vs a PC's wilderness survival and astronomy (and whatever other skill/EFUSS else). If you make the roll you get to point B, if you dont then you end up at point Z. This would not punish the PC because of the player. As it stands now you are punishing the PC because of the player and even a native Stargazer druid with a 10 in wilderness survival and 5 in astronomy would get lost because the player can't figure it out. Something like this would also punish the min-maxed power build causing them to get lost (and not metagame their way through, which they are obviously doing now). It would accomplish the same thing and make more sense that the tree-hugger types can find their way through. It would also help keep people from spending two and more hours just randomly bopping around as eventually even the PC's with little to no wilderness survival would make the save and get through.
General Discussion /
April 18, 2013, 05:16:41 PM
Quote from: Cerberus;331668If I was the only player that has logged off because of it, says one thing. The fact that more than one player has logged off (or spent hours of time IG there) says to me it needs to be addressed.

So in a nut-shell it boils down to OOC metagame it, and even a min-maxed moron can get through.
And  ,.!..  the other 18%

Yep, cool map.
General Discussion /
April 12, 2013, 08:56:43 PM
For the record, I've been there with people that claimed to know the way and still gotten separated from them transitioning through the same place they did and ending up in a place they were not. So I'm not sure what anybody is talking about when they say go with a ranger or somebody that knows the way. It doesn't help when you transition to differing spots.

I only went in there solo because there was only a half dozen players IG at the time and figured I could see the sights and say IG/IC that my PC was really there. Part of my frustration is I spent an hour in there watching another half dozen log in and listening to at least three sendings I'd have loved to get to but couldn't because I was stuck there.

If I was the only player that has logged off because of it, says one thing. The fact that more than one player has logged off (or spent hours of time IG there) says to me it needs to be addressed.
General Discussion /
April 12, 2013, 07:08:52 PM
Quote from: Howland;331645If you don't like it, you don't have to go there.

Not a problem, easy fix. I will just take Howlands advice and OOCly make IC excuses to not go in there with any of my PC's. It doesn't matter what the rhyme or reason is for that map, it's not worth hours of my IG time doing nothing but looping around and getting frustrated.
General Discussion /
March 17, 2013, 09:02:27 PM
I doubt Howland even remembers it because it was such a simple thing, but...

The Mithralsouls, being barraged with goblin arrows from a cliff, breaking through a barricade at the bottom they charged up the ramp at the goblins. One of the goblins at the top of the ramp, [Throws himself off the cliff in despair!](and vanished). I lmao for the rest of the quest.
tff :D