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Topics - Dr Dragon

Bug Reports / Banned
June 13, 2011, 08:01:09 AM
When I attempt to log into the server I get the message.

Connection error You have been banned.

Howland says that this isnt intentional. So therefore it must be a bug.
Off-topic Discussion / DRD vs School Newspaper
April 01, 2011, 02:44:35 AM
The school newspaper decided to make an article criticizing my vlog so I have ushered a response. The fact is my opinion is global and can be reached by anyone. The School newspaper has not the funding or the capable to establish international media like myself and I have decided to pwn them.

Viewers, Commentators, Subscribers, are appreciated in supporting a global vlog in the near future I will let EFUERS decide on what I should do a vlog about.

Cheers and peace out support the Doc.
Off-topic Discussion / A final farewell
February 16, 2011, 09:13:05 AM
I am taking my life back. EFUA has clutched me onto the dieing video game known as Neverwinter Nights I remember the day I discovered the server and was enthralled heavily. I have seen this server transition from Underdark to Surface. I have seen the work of players shaping this server. if one were to look at my playtime's I have spent years role playing and it is a part of who I am.

I have an addiction a problem similar to that of drug abuse. EFU truly beats any high quality graphics MMORPG I was overwhelmed with the content and the Dms of this great server. EFUA has been my way of escaping reality and I do not feel like running anymore I will take my life back. EFU will always be apart of me and I will never forget you.
This double life between myself and my characters must come to a close. When I play EFUA the truth is that I run away from the man in the mirror. I am done with this and take my stand perhaps someday I shall return to this server to see what has changed.

Some final notes and I do not care who is offended I will say my peace.

1 Changing the Underdark to this surface island is the worst thing that DMS have done to this server. The Underdark was way better and anyone who denies it is either lieing, kissing ass or hasn't experienced it.

2 The Quality and style of RP on this server has been degenerated and downgraded by both the Players and the DMS of this server.

3 Players are getting less and less creative.

4 Dms have given players a sandbox and a variety of things to do and players do not even make an effort to take advantage.

I will miss you all......

Caddies You are a great player and DM you were the first character that ever killed one of my Pcs

Dan You are awesome

Howland You have built a great server and have created an entire community of hardcore role players.

Calculor I will continue taking it to the max 100% every time

To those who played EFU

We have fought the good fight and made an epic legend the Underdark something the new players cannot comprehend. There is less and less of us.

To those new to EFUA

You have destroyed the underdark and the community. While great people like Capricious and Iron Oligarch have come bringing great and epic PCS. For the  most part you have degenerated the server I once knew

To the Dms  You have built a great place in the setting of the Underdark. But then you destroyed it and turned it into something else. While it is a great setting it just isn't the same anymore.

I wish  you all good luck have fun and continue to make this the reason to play NWN.


1992-(not dead yet idiots)
General Discussion / Done including others.
January 22, 2011, 01:47:41 AM
I am done with making any efforts to include others with my plots on EFUA. I have made tons of characters attempting to include others in everything all attempts at including people be it in plots (even strait up non evil ones like PC journalism) have failed tremendously.

Therefore I have concluded just trying to include others is a complete waste of time. My concepts will for now on be solo single concepts with me alone in mind. So quite honestly forget about me involving others to help my own agenda.
Off-topic Discussion / Happy Martin Luther King Day
January 18, 2011, 05:39:55 AM
Happy MLK day people!
Bug Reports / Custom EFUA spells
January 03, 2011, 06:06:17 AM
I got the override however IG the spells have no description or name and some of them do not even work properly. (some of them do though fortunately.) The new spells i n my spellbook appear as just blank icons.
It is clear EFU and World of Warcraft are controlled by Demons. Harry potter encourages witch craft! If U play video games u will practice the dark arts! Reject the server or forever be possessed by demons and casting the Gate Spell to Summon an RL Balor to crush all with DC 100 Implosion spells.

This guy is clearly a prophet unlike the evll demonic false prophet Razul. Clearly videogames are controlled by demons and inspire us all to practice the dark arts.

Screen Shots & Obituaries / Isengrim Ortega
December 13, 2010, 01:25:46 AM
Isengrim Ortega was a man of Old Port and a Member of the Stygian Armada. I originally made him to be a lord but no one joined him and so the Stygians recruited him here is some screen shots. Truly was a blast to all I  plotted with.

The truth is Ortega was also corrupt and had dealings Gentlee Jim. This women cheated him at gambling and when he found out why she cheated him he slew her.

Steiner actually caught on to Ortega possibly being an ally of Gentlee Jim so they made an agreement to make up a BS story and give Ortega a bounty

DM Spice and questing with Master Tau!

Why Ortega decided to join the Armada

Failing to raid lord Durgrim.

One of many Ortega put in the cells.

Suggestions / Bring back Preludes
November 11, 2010, 11:55:00 PM
There was a time where there was a forum for players to post preludes/ideas for preludes and a dm could agree to host it and players could say there were interested in partaking.

Also I remember when Dms would sometimes announce preludes and ask Pcs to participate.

(Such as Bandits Vs Guards or those cool under mountain preludes.
Suggestions / Update Prominent Figures
November 02, 2010, 02:15:28 PM
The Prominent figures are currently very outdated and dont even include the Conclave/Sons it also still lists the Leader of the Order as "missing"
Suggestions / Remove the Drunken Tradesmen
October 12, 2010, 11:42:54 PM
Quite honestly I feel it reduces the value of Banditry and its quite frankly a joke that so many drunken tradesmen wander the alleyways after so many have been robbed.

Its a lame cheap easy way for evil pcs to make coins with little to no risk.
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Alfred hard at work
October 11, 2010, 06:42:10 AM
Ive decided to do a screeny thread introducing you to my latest char Alfred. This is also a way of showing what he and his friends did to clear rubble.

Summoning a treasure chest and telling people to load dirt in it! Perhaps the greatest amount of work hes ever done!

Eating a piece of chicken and enjoying the fruits of labor.

All in a days work. Was it work for him? That is a philosophical debate to complex for our time.

Relaxing during a day of hard work....Lieing on the ground sipping some nice old vintage wine a good life enough to retire a character no?

Basically if you've ever wanted to play a PC that's from Old Port this is the concept for you. make a post below stating interest and ill send you  a PM explaining the concept also feel free to join my IRC room



Race Human

Alignment Non Good  

Here is a list of things to expect.





-Respect for nobility


and much more.
Introductions and Group Management / Fellowship of Arms
October 07, 2010, 07:12:27 AM
Basically a Docksmen gangster concept to create some conflict in the Docks claim turf commit crimes ETC.

Join the doc!
I Honestly think goblins, kobolds and Mountain Orcs should be non app sub races again. With the amount of goblins kobolds and Orcs on Ymph it would make sense to allow monsters to be non app again at least a temporarily experiment.
Maybe it was intended to be this way but its always felt silly that clerics are always bad ass when it comes to necromancy considering they can cast it multiple times and only get it as a third level spell. While any wizard who wants to animate needs to save up on scrolls supplies/gear while your neighborhood Cleric of (insert god) has no such fear they can just cast it.

I think wizards and sorcs should get the animate dead spell at the third circle if this would be possible to script as an override or something itd be awesome.
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Veshann Solarian
September 04, 2010, 05:41:17 AM
Veshann Solarian the former Stygian Aspirant who quit the Armada due to what he percieved as dishonor and insults so he ended up deciding to throw away his aspirations and join the docks as a big "F You" To the Armada.  

Veshann unlike a lot of my evil chars hated the evil acts he did and used religion to justify his many evil acts committed IG even though he deeply despised them.      

Veshann is an unfortunate case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time and seeing the wrong things.  

It was a blast paying him to my friends and enemies and some of my friends that became my foes,

Heres a little bit about his philosophy.

This is what he did with the head of a drow he killed the truth is I got a lucky great axe crit they do a lot of damage!

This is Veshann telling Vaca and Davroth all about what he saw.

Veshann commented on how he felt about Morthel's motive for murder to which a certain infantryman responded.

This is a little bit of a foreshadow of him saying screw the Armada unfortunately abandoning his aspirations resulted in his demise.

Off-topic Discussion / Double Rainbow!
July 15, 2010, 05:46:05 AM

What does it mean!?
Off-topic Discussion / DRD is a man
June 30, 2010, 04:16:39 PM
Today I turned 18 do you know what that means for me in the USA? I can smoke, vote, and die for my country but hears the twist. I cant drink.
Bug Reports / Weathered captain at Gulls Rock
June 29, 2010, 07:14:22 PM
The NPC weathered captain when you talk to him says "I can offer you passage to Old Port if you like"

Then the only option is to click goodbye. I do not know if this is a bug or hes not meant to offer passage or something else maybe?