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Topics - Diabl0658

Suggestions / Show spawn zone with /c checkup
November 25, 2022, 02:24:49 AM
what with the new changes to the way spawns are automatically or not automatically set, it'd be nice to know where my spawn is set without having to dig through my logs

was thinking the name of the spawn could just be viewed with /c checkup ?
It seems like its currently possible to choose which turn undead ability you use with only 10 charisma, despite the wiki saying 14 charisma is required. I spent a bit of timing just hanging out in my burgage room spamming turn undead to test things out, and noticed I could infact use /c setturnundead, and when I did I got this message:

it looks like it gives me an error message but then sets my turn undead anyway. While its possible ive just been getting extremely lucky and getting the chosen turn undead anyway, I doubt it.

I saved my game log of my spamming turn undead and can provide it if its helpful.
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Haggahwhisp, the Visitor
September 30, 2022, 03:08:12 AM
Sometimes we bite off more than we can chew.

I made with Haggahwhisp with the goal of trying to find a way to do the classic EFU goal, escaping the city. But he would try and escape through a means of his own devising, finding an alternative exit. A goal that would probably never be achieved (a forever goal!). I met some amazing characters along the way.

Mil Blita, who was the first domino in the chain to start this amazing journey.
Valmoira, probably also tied for first domino, and who was a devil on my shoulder
Rin Farrel, the angel on my other shoulder who without Haggahwhisp would have slid towards Chaotic Evil alignment
Supervisor Boren Unbreaks-The-Heart, who let me go along on his amazing recondite adventures and see stuff alot of you wont ever get to see probably
Minni Shallowbrook, who nearly killed me very early on, and was my first real rival.

Il add more if I remember them later. Im writing this just as ive died, so I haven't properly dug through my history to pull out every notable name.

Oh and, I cast a lot of alarm spells.



Screenshots where people dont know im there (I think)



Suggestions / Alarm spell rebalancing
August 19, 2022, 08:31:10 PM
I'm of the opinion this spell as it is is maybe a bit too strong if used to its full effect. While its a pain to setup, yes, once its in place it provides a way to silently spy on the movements of other players, for both offensive and defensive reasons.

This alone might not be problematic, but what is problematic is there's really no way to counter the spell by the other players. Area dispel does not remove alarms (I have tried), and there seems to be no way to detect them either.

My suggestion is to allow rogues the ability to detect magical alarms (maybe a hidden skill roll if they step on one that lets them know, or perhaps even before stepping on one?), and also to allow Area Dispels to remove them like any other spell effect. I know things like Spike Growth for example can be area dispelled, so why not Alarm too?
Bug Reports / Polymorph List not up to date
June 24, 2022, 06:46:37 AM
You can use "/c polymorph list" to view available shapes for Polymorph Self.

This list doesn't seem to be up to date as I have discovered atleast one shape available by default that is not on the list, goblin, using "/c polymorph goblin"

Are there any other shapes that are by default available but unlisted, and could they become listed?
My first try at a melee class. I got the idea for Aldo when Loops was talking about the Hickory Avenger sword, and I got the idea of playing a paladin armed with a wooden sword. Oath of The Book seemed the perfect  choice, and thus Aldo Wenthur of Little Ticker was born.

A survivor and orphan of the destruction of Ticker, he reached adulthood and picked a sword and rusty armor out of the trash and set up a path to become a hero. A book within the library called to him, and he saved up his groats and purchased it, and upon reading it he was transformed.

He styled himself a champion of Little Ticker, standing up for paupers and peasants when he felt noone else would. Challenging retainers when they would step on smaller folk, standing up for truth and defending good men and women despite the intimidation, slander(?), a other pressures.

Things changed however with the arrival of The Anglers, and the publications of The Patriarch. Believing the two to be related, more and more hostility grew between them, with him seconding another paladin in a duel, Sophia Blackstone, which lead to her death. Angry, grieving, and not willing to quit, Aldo made the hard decision to join House Glitt. Historically a supporter of Little Ticker, but in recent times had been coming down hard on some of its residents, it was not an easy choice. The authority to fight evil, but to side with those would oppress some of his neighbours? In the end, he did choose House Glitt, and for it he was called traitor by the dwarves who once viewed him as a friend.

In the end, he won perhaps small victories in the great fight against The Patriarch, but also would perish in a death duel with an Orzan over the death of an Angler which he freely admitted he was responsible for.



Aldo had no loot

[hide=Mostly Lawful Good]

Give all animal npc spawns a small (less than 0.1%) chance of being a druid npc that can suddenly turn hostile to non-druids and attack them.

Make changeling paranoia more real.
Right after I finished up with my Sunpurse PC, I wanted to try and do something in the complete opposite direction. Something relaxing, a pondsfolk perhaps. I also wanted to ring run really badly and see the deep rings.

And thus Jacho Bunts Alder Kars Lukeson was born, the tribal shaman sorcerer who wandered around the city in a loincloth.

With the threat of the Nothing fast approaching the 98th ring, the old hermit Jacho Bunts Alder Kars Lukeson left his solitude and sought a way deeper into the rings to find refuge in his remaining years.

The first ringrunner group he met (Fistle Fistleson, aka Doof) asked that he must first put pants on to join, which he refused and was thus similarly refused.

The second group, led by Niloufar Nephezar (Loops), saw not a half-naked hermit but a man blessed by God with sorcerous talent. He traveled with them for three months on their journey inward, but due to OOC scheduling difficulties eventually quit the group. Jacho Bunts Alder Kars Cybel Lukeson learned of terrible secrets long guarded by The Nephezar, and considered many of them good friends till his last day even after parting ways for good.

The third and final group, The Named Men, were a mixed group of renegades and changelings he had befriended one by one over the months out ring. It was with them that he learned of the old ways of the druids, and gave up a piece of his sorcerous power to unlock a new perspective on the world (I took a level of druid at 10 instead of my 10th level of sorcerer, giving up my level 5 spells and sorcerer perk!). He learned great secrets about the city with them, and ultimately accompanied them to the 1st ring to meet the king, not to seek refuge as originally planned but rather to beseech the king to help drive back The Nothing that made him flee his home.

Did Jacho Bunts Alder Kars Cybel Brie Lukeson succeed, who can say?

Most of the images I have I can only share with druids or ringrunners, but here are some I can share with everyone

[hide=Being Sneaky]
Jacho had pretty good hide/move silently, so I snuck up on people alot

Thank you Secutor for the loot

I had a pair of boots too but sadly did not take a screenshot of them
Ive noticed alot that enemies that I have charmed will engage my allies during quests automatically despite still being blue. I am also told that when they do so my allies are flatfooted and dont auto engage. I have to constantly spam commands to get them to stop, and if I am doing something else they tend to just go wild and attack randomly.

Ive been playing NWN for about a year now, exclusively on EFU, and it really is a great server with wonderful people that I enjoy playing with and sharing memes with. The adventures and discoveries I find keep me logging in every day for more and more. That promise of exploration in a rich and human world is what draws me into this server, and the setting has that filled to the brim. Most of my PCs have been about exploring what the server has to offer, but Tudur Crabbe was a different sort of PC. This was my first "conflict" PC I've played, and I certainly built and steered him towards that. Joining Sunpurse, getting involved with faction conflict, hanging out with villains, starting my own conflicts.

It was painful and stressful.

But I don't regret it, going so far outside my comfort zone. For me EFU is all about exploration and in a way I did end up exploring a side of the server I never experienced before. I made lot of friends, and Crabbe made a few here and there too. People tell me this was my best PC yet, and maybe they are right. I really enjoyed all the praise people gave me for Crabbe, especially from the DMs. I enjoyed the plots my fellow retainers and I thought up. It feels like I did really well on this PC, even if IC I felt like I was failing upwards most of the time. However in the end, I bit off more than I could chew. I started a conflict and got sucked into a week of absolute anxiety and paranoia. The stress of the situation made me fatalistic and reckless, and I took a huge risk that ended it all for Crabbe. I'm relieved its over.

Someday I might make another retainer, but I hope to god I am never given such large shoes to fill again. Next PC is going to take a nice leisurely stroll to Baz'eel.

Have some images of cool moments in Crabbe's life, in no particular order:


And my favorite image:

Title says it all. If you take the feat and do something like roll pickpocket, you shouldnt have a 5% chance of total failure if a 1 was still enough to beat the DC. Skill Focus represents a sort of mastery and confidence in the skill that shouldnt suffer from the d20 auto failure.

I know the NWN engine might not allow for such a change in all scenarios, but in the example above atleast I believe it is a custom EFU script.
Suggestions / Generalist wizard perks
October 19, 2021, 06:58:24 PM
Just some ideas for little perks for generalist wizards.

Unnamed 1: Skill Focus bonus feat at levels 1 5 and 8

Archivist: Appraise discount for scribing scrolls

Divine Wizard: Choose a cleric domain to gain access to the spells from that domain, alignment requirements must be met still! (might be unbalanced, app required?)

Aristocratic Wizard: Martial Weapon Proficiency

Unnamed 2: Use Magic Device skill bonus??? Because hes such a generalist he can use lots of different magic?

Big familiar: Big familiar!

Snappy Dresser: Starts with a wizard hat (no stats)
Bug Reports / Yellowed Goblin Spirit Bone does not work
October 02, 2021, 05:53:02 PM

Im definitely high enough wizard to be casting Summon Creature II

Apparently this was found in the lair of bone quest
Bug Reports / Extended Alarm is not extended
September 23, 2021, 12:57:54 AM
As the title says, using the extended feat with the alarm spell does not make the alarm last longer.
Suggestions / Extended Wormsight
September 13, 2021, 05:46:27 PM
Right now, when a wizard casts wormsight its an instant give away that they are a necromancy specialist despite the spell itself being transmutation school. Oddly enough transmuters have no reason to cast this spell.

Perhaps if cast by a transmutation specialist they could have the spell extended? This way it wouldnt just be the "necromancers see invis"
Suggestions / Sewer access to ring 100 respawn location
September 03, 2021, 10:39:24 PM
There is currently no way to escape ring 100 without going through the peerage ward, being a druid, or being a goblin/kobold.

This is a problem for certain people who are exiled from the peerage ward who need to respawn due to a death from npcs.

Perhaps a one way transition to the drips can be added near the black cart?
Suggestions / Signable Documents
June 14, 2021, 10:39:46 PM
A new type of paper, more expensive to represent its higher quality, that allows for the writing of contracts/declarations/whatever that allows players to add their signature on after the document is written.

This way we can hand PCs contracts to sign, allow multiple PCs to sign their name to a declaration, you get the idea.

Right now to sign a document id have to copy word for word onto a fresh paper whatever someone else wanted me to sign.
Ive decided from now on all my stupid questions will be asked here, instead of on discord. That way I dont end up pinging DMs who have notifications turned on for #ask-efu-dms.

I dont have a question right now, but later I probably will?
Im not even asking for them to stack, just make them the same weight as every other potion.

This a completely selfish request as I just want my inventory to weigh less.