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Topics - SkillFocuspwn

Player Compendium / Player Tools Guide
February 17, 2012, 03:27:32 PM
[SIZE="3"]Player Tools:[/SIZE]
Accessible through the crafting menu (right click on your character, click on the icon directly left on the wheel, and on the second wheel click on the anvil directly upwards), there are 10 player tool slots, each of which can be given a player tool. These act as feats and can be put onto the quickslot bar or accessed directly through right clicking on the slot you wish to put it in, or on yourself. Then choose the direct left circle option on the radial menu, and the class tool (in the bottom left on the second option circle) where they can be found (the wand-looking icons). Simply hover the mouse over them to see which player tool slot it relates to.

[INDENT]Control Companion:
This can be used to direct summoned creatures, animal companions, familiars or henchmen, allowing finer control. First, use the player tool on the companion. Then, use the same player tool to click on either a location or an object. If you click on a location, the companion will move to where you clicked. Anything locked will be picked (if the companion has open lock) or bashed. Unlocked doors will be opened, while unlocked chests will always be bashed. If you click on any creature, the companion will attack it.

Search Inventory:
Attempts to search a PC within close enough range, giving a list of all items in their inventory. Use the player tool on the PC. If they are standing, they will be given a confirmation that they agree to be searched, which they can refuse. If they have been subdued, they can be searched without needing confirmation.

Yank Pack:
This can be used to place the make the pack of a subdued or bleeding PC appear on the floor next to them, so you can loot a defeated enemy or help your ally with their own healing. Simply use the player tool on a downed PC when close to them.

Drop Pack:
Basically the personal equivalent of Yank Pack, allowing you to drop your own inventory for whatever reason (this can be used whether you're bleeding/subdued or not). Use the player tool and click on yourself to drop your pack.

Collect Pack:
Allows you to quickly pick up all items in your own pack, whether it was dropped through death or either of the above tools (though those of other players will need to be taken manually). Use the tool and click on the pack and all the items will be collected automatically.

Can be used to knock on a door, which sends a message *Knock* to everyone in talk distance to both sides of the door (even over transitions). Use the tool and click on the door you wish to knock.

Aim Catapult:
This tool can be used to fire a catapult at the point which the tool is used on, though there are limitations to how far or close a catapult can be fired. The tool does not need to be used on the catapult; instead, simply stand near it and use the player tool on the point you'd like to fire at. Note it doesn't follow moving enemies, staying aimed at the point of ground they were on when the tool was used on them.

Portable Alchemy Kit:
This is the basic starting piece for any alchemist. More about alchemy itself can be found elsewhere on the forums, but to use the tool itself, simply click on any spot of free ground near you. Make sure you're suitably distant from NPCs, preferably in an area that contains none or well away from them if not.
(More general info incoming!)

Portably Herbalism Kit:
This is the basic starting piece for a herbalist. More about herbalism itself can be found elsewhere on the forums, but to use the tool itself, simply click on any spot of free ground near you. Make sure you're suitably distant from NPCs, preferably in an area that contains none or well away from them if not.
(More general info incoming!)

Diagnose Withering:
This tool can be used to diagnose yourself or others to see vaguely how far along with the Withering they are, indicated by one of seven stages. More information on the Withering itself can be found elsewhere, but to use the tool, just click on the PC you wish to diagnose.

Portable Cooking Kit:
This is the basic starting piece for a chef. More about cooking can be found elsewhere on the forums, but to use the tool itself, simply click on any spot of free ground near you. Although not as extreme as Alchemy and Herbalism, it is still best to ensure you're not too close to any NPCs.
(More general info incoming!)

Potion Homogenizer:
This tool can be used to make potions with identical effects and caster levels stack. If you have two potions with identical names and effects that don't stack, or two potions with different names but identical effects, simply use the tool on both potions. If this doesn't work, first check to see the effect of the potion, especially the number in the brackets next to the name of the spell effect. If this number is different, the potions won't stack even after homogenizing. If the number is the same, try using the homogenizer again after you've drunk one of each potion.

Sunder Magic:
Used in alchemy, more information on it can be found elsewhere on the forums. To do it, simply use the player tool on the item you wish to sunder.
(For more on general Sunder Magic info, see:

Climb tool:
Much like the climbing claw, it allows you to climb up rock faces without a claw, at a higher difficulty rather then with a claw. The way one uses said tool is by going up to a cliff side and clicking its top with the tool.

Harvest Meat:
The same as the surgical knife or the meat knife, it allows you to gather meat at a higher difficulty rather then with a knife. To use this tool, select it and then click the corpse of an animal that has not yet faded to a loot bag.

Harvest Poison Glands:
A new tool that allows one to gather poisons from creatures such as and not limited to spiders and snakes. To use this tool, select it and then click the corpse of an animal that has not yet faded to a loot bag.

PVP tool:
As the name implies it is a tool to hostile or not hostile a player target. To use this tool, select the tool then click the player. This will either hostile them if they are not hostiled, or unhostile them if they are.[/INDENT]
Bug Reports / Diagnose Withering player tool mistake
February 17, 2012, 03:13:21 PM
In the IG description in the crafting menu, the player tool Diagnose Withering says that /c withering help is the right command, when it's really /c help withering. Kind of petty, but also probably causing a lot of confusion!
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Malificius Gaunt
February 07, 2012, 09:49:39 PM
Malificius Gaunt, Light of the Black Sun, is dead! It was a good run and I had a lot of fun, but I suppose everything's got to end some time.

Raised in the city of Waterdeep, Malificius was originally the simple Wizard Vespin Crow. Although not a good man, he was not actively evil and did little beyond work upon his studies and try to build his business as a potion and wand manufacturer. However, all this changed when, seven years before he was taken by the Portal's magic, Vespin was harassed by a group of common thugs. Seeking protection, he hired a rival gang to put and end to them, which they did quite well; although when finished, they demanded his soul as part of the bargain. Refusing originally, they revealed themselves as Cyricists and threatened to skin him alive and, when offered this choice, Vespin caved. Originally an unwilling assistant, as he witnessed more and more of the dark rituals his soul and magic began taking darker turns and, within years, he was one of their top ranking lieutenants.

Sadly, though, while in the middle of a coup, the Portal's magic took him, and the rest is history...

Arriving on the Ziggurat

Exploring the Ziggurat

It's good to have friends...

And the fun we have together!

He considered joining the Conclave, but I never got around to it :(

And then, the fateful event... I should have seen the signs!

Curiouser and curiouser...

The beast below!

An intense battle begins...


But alas

Character sheet on death

I'll get that rat one day...
People should join Aberdenn!

QuoteAssociates of the Aberdenn Clan are often viewed valuable assets to the cause of the family. In order to progress as an associate of the Aberdenn Clan, you will be expected to embody the tenets of the Clan; Valour, Courage and Strength in the face of Mistlocke's enemies. Alongside this, Promoting a positive reputation of the Aberdenn throughout Mistlocke, as stalwart heroes and defenders of its people, as well as peerless warriors and scouts. Furthermore, although lies and deceit are commonly beneath the Aberdenn Clan, an associate might receive great praise for uncovering some manner of proof detailing (likely) one of the many disreputable schemes of the Caermyn Family.

There's a lot happening with Caermyn being in charge, the failed assault on One-Eye and the coming election and it'd be great to see people rolling up PCs for this association! One of the most amazing things about EfU:M is how dependent each of the factions and associations are on the PCs within and how much impact and change a player can have on the reputation and the workings of them, so don't be shy!
Introductions and Group Management / New Netherese Empire
December 01, 2011, 01:29:37 AM
Hi, I'm looking for players interested in any aspect of the New Netherese Empire; this is the Conclave, but I'm looking for PCs who want to join me in making any variety of Imperialist, Razul-Worshipper, Warmongerer, or Old Netheril enthusiast.

The main goals are to bring back the power of the Empire through any means necessary, to ensure all arcanists are under the conclave and to kill H'bala. We'll be trying to actively change the server and change the conclave and proactivity is big!

Send me a PM or just make a PC if you're interested in this.
Bug Reports / Acolyte Boccelus, Crook!
July 13, 2011, 08:32:51 AM
The Acolyte in the Last Keep neither takes your gold nor casts anything on you when you ask to be free of impurities.
Bug Reports / EFUSS bugs
June 14, 2010, 08:15:07 AM
After a healthy diet of regular deaths, I have checked my EFUSS to find that I have 14 skill points for it at level 7 (Alexander White, Skill Focus pwn). While there's a chance I'm wrong, I'm pretty certain I had over 20 last time I checked although I can't remember when that was.

Definitely haven't spent them on anything and then forgotten it, I think the problem is with them removing themselves when you die and it losing some each time! Or it might have lost them all in one go. I'm sorry I can't be any more specific, I have no idea when the exact date of losing them is.
Libraries and Tomes of Ymph / The White Book
June 01, 2010, 08:35:22 PM
A Book of Poetry, Fables and Moral Stories

By Alexander White
Bug Reports / Furniture Problems
May 30, 2010, 06:08:13 PM
The thing which requires checks at the end of the furniture quest doesn't work. If one succeeds, one does not recieve anything.

The quest, when finished, gives exp and changes its description to say you've completed it, but stays in Current Quests section.
General Discussion / PvPing attitude
March 05, 2010, 12:59:24 AM
I apologise if this looks like I'm simply a rant about the current affairs of the server or any such, but with the tensions between the current factions, I think this is a question worth asking.

Say you, as a Stygian and a mortal enemy of the Sons, are informed there is one standing in the Inner Ruins buying something off a trader there. You've heard of this Son before, but never had the opportunity to meet him IG.

In this situation, I accept full well that it is fine to go there with some of your buddies, beat him down if you're feeling violent, harass him. However, would you consider it acceptable to FD this individual, due to the animosity between Factions?

I have always thought that the only interaction that mattered as a precursor for PvP was actual and personal (with the obvious exception of hunting monster creatures). I know of at least one occasion when it's happened in the UD as well though, where a player who has never met another player has FDed them solely due to the fact they were of opposing factions.

In some cases I can understand this. If Banite Joe is currently leading a small army of Undead to destroy the city, it is acceptable for Paladin George to smite his face up, regardless of PC interaction beforehand. However, would it be acceptable for a Paladin to kill the Priest if he were simply preaching?

So, where does the line stand between these two? Is a Stygian valid FDing stock for a Stargazer, regardless of interaction before? Do you believe there should be at least a meeting before two faction-opposing PCs go at each-others throats, or do you believe the tension between them should be 100% personal, formed by their actions and their interactions with the other?

This isn't a rhetoric rant, I am actually curious about the personal opinions and feelings of the players on this matter. When and how to PvP is one of the massive complications of EfU without any rules beyond the obvious but a whole heap of social lines in what is cool PvP and what is distasteful. So, what are your opinions on this?
Suggestions / New Perk Styles
March 03, 2010, 01:48:31 AM
The reason I'm suggesting this in a new thread is that I'm suggesting a new form rather than just random cool perks (read: it gets more attention this way)

I would like to see more perks that lets certain classes do things that certain other classes can do. Specifically things relating to the cool nature systems added to help out those people who want to be au natural and not depend on certain classes.

My first suggestion is for Tracker, in which any PC class can track using exactly the same system as a Ranger/Druid. Considering what other perks can be given up for this, I wouldn't consider it overpowered and would help a lot of characters who it makes perfect IC sense to be able to track but have no levels in Ranger so cannot.

My second is for Plant Lover, in which a non-Druid / Ranger can tell what's left in a plant as well as a Druid/ Ranger can (maybe make a Ranger taking it mean he's as good as a Druid). Again, to help nature friendly non-ranger/druid PCs do alchemy and herbalism without risking pulling down the forest.

Although I admit these are the only two perks I've come up with, perhaps PCs with more knowledge of systems similar to these could mention similar ones. It's a shame to see such cool systems be so limiting when we've got such an awesome way to implement them!
Suggestions / Easier way out of Gobsquat
February 21, 2010, 08:22:33 PM
I would like to suggest a path, either into the wilds or into the Docks from Gobsquat. At night, anyone without stealth has to fight past a lot of Nightrisers (last time I tried there was a Commander on the path from the Squat to the Docks) or swim past a ton of sharks, meaning anyone who can't go to the Ziggurat and isn't a stealther has to either use an invis potion each time they want to go between, burn tons of supples or just not leave the Squat.
Suggestions / Meaty Swarm Rats
February 20, 2010, 11:41:42 PM
I think Swarm Rats should drop meat, they're as a group harder than the normal rats and have no rewards at all for the diligent rat-catcher.
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Isidore Olmos!
January 07, 2010, 12:43:52 AM
Isidore Olmos, born to an Amnish nobleman, was terribly, terribly ill. Brought up in the lap of luxury since birth, his father hired a Necromancer to teach him the Art. However, when he was TELEPORTED to the Ziggurat, he was forced to find his own way.

At the beggining of his friendless career, he acted as an informant in the Docks- bringing people corpses, information and services in return for gold, information and alliance, most importantly that of Nentyarch Chilvyr. Getting a power base with numerous corrupt Patricians, he managed to swing the Magistrate vote his way. Basically eternally damning himself in the eyes of the Docks, his single Court saw him sentence RwG's Duergar to death.

Making friends with numerous city officials and his lifelong companion, Lasran Mane, he joined the Thayan Enclave and Iphegor Canos and helped propel them to power. Secretly fighting against Ixpadia (Like, he told Gallo and Trin about one dude who was sympathetic to their cause, that was his whole contribution) he took part in saving the Count.

He missed most of the Conclave formation stuff, but was one of the first to join them. Then he died in an awful experiment. :(


First, teh Lewtz

And now the secret love that you never saw...

... Because Lasran does not approve :(

Here he is telling us what he really likes


And the rest!

Some of the threats we faced

Isidore offering to a Mummy a surgeon's touch for his wife

So he gives it all his heart

He was so beautiful, he even got a Stygian to fight Gaeseric for him

I don't think he was liked very much by the DMs...


And finally, his afterdeath

Isidore is the one that is not GLOWING WITH BLOODY MAGIC

The one Graft he missed the most though...

I might put his stats and how long I was online and stuff on later!

Much thanks to, in no particular order:
Paha Poika for his constant friendship and chilling hours with LASRAN MANE
Talir, for his many amazing DM quests, NPC interactions and constant support!
Dash, for Iphegor Canos and the Thayan Enclave that did so much for Isidore
Crazy Nut, not really sure
Alyssara, for three PCs I RPed with through Isidore and three fantastic dynamics!
Kotenku for looking at my awesome halloween decorations
Elmo for Rodaq Casak and the EYES
plum for not being an utter twat
Suggestions / pale Master Caster Levels
November 16, 2009, 06:59:28 PM
With the amount of benefits pale Masters get that are melee based, and due to the fact I'm playing a spell-focused one, I thought I'd try battling out to get some more benefits for the PrC.

To me, the amount one has to sacrifice to become a pale Master is great. Playing a wizard/pM, you give up learning new spells, gaining new circles and caster levels. The majority of the bonuses added do not compliment the Wizard side well.

So, my suggestion is to make Necromancy spells use pale Master as well as the arcane class when determining caster level (or maybe even a further bonus). This wouldn't greatly benefit combat pM builds, while giving a slight boost to the existing spells that an arcane pale Master build has.
Off-topic Discussion / Sorry guys, I'm out
November 03, 2009, 03:20:27 AM

At finally achieving my lifetime goal for EfU, I'm quitting forever. Thank you for all the good times, the bad times, and the countless runs of Scalemount I've done with you all to briefly help any PC on its path to greatness.
Suggestions / Genasi
August 29, 2009, 11:55:57 AM
Now! Long ago, there was a conversation in #EfU that involved Genasi, and their lame "bonuses". It didn't simply cover the fact that Fire Genasi sucked, DMs and players alike puzzled over their random -2 charisma, seemingly as their only downside, and quite obviously there just so they -have- a downside.

My suggestion is a change to all Genasi. As it is, they're pretty bland, just powerhouses in certain classes and awful at sorceror / bard. Their mechanical changes are not at all cool.

As an example, Fire Genasi are passionate, fiery, fearless and argumentative. In my eyes, that does not explain a +2 to intelligence and a -2 to charisma. If anything, I believe they should have a bonus to charisma.

As the argument went, it was equally argued, by everyone there, including DMs, that they should none of them should have the -2 charisma and I agree.

I've always imagined them being awesome Sorcerors, Shamans of primal natural fury, and while I know that doesn't mean they need to have it changed, I just think it would suit better to give them a cooler feel than what they have now.

So! My suggestion is a complete revamp of the mechanical changes to Genasi, to lose their generic -2 charisma and give them actual penalties that apply to what they are, whether it's -2 charisma still or not!
Bug Reports / Frederick B in the Arrival's Tower
May 04, 2009, 08:32:35 PM
Not sure if it's a bug at all, but every bed in the Arrival's Tower has "Frederick B was here" on it, according to the description.
Suggestions / Wands of Themes
March 08, 2009, 02:55:40 PM
With the new summoning system in place, would themed summoning wands be a viable thing to do?
Bug Reports / Kingsman's Quest bug
March 08, 2009, 08:29:59 AM
Kingsman's Quest can no longer be completed. It comes up with "Script d1_add_item_rnd" and " Tag: clone_Howland" in yellow. It says you were not part of the quest and will recieve no exp.

Anyone, of any level can try to do it, although they recieve nothing.