Who are you, who did you play?

Started by Listen in Silence, June 02, 2009, 06:08:46 PM

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Winston Martin

Albrecht von Asche
Bad Bigby
Brawny Brick Hooknose
Gnarled Bat Knickerson
Helios Ironsides
Ivor Marsk
James Victor Karloff
Kharkres Stark
Maeturorant Gorthaurca
Nicholas Balbanes
Saiede Shau Imago
Talcum Krackindor
Van Volfram
Victor Greyson


Ferius Worn - White trash revolutionary/Stew Shoppe proprietor who killed Mayor Bhast and escaped to the surface.

Geraint [COLOR="Red"]Red[/COLOR]path - Paladin who was given a bunch of undeserved loot/plots by Ladocicea and Wiggyboy.

Percival Pubien D'or - Fat Harper posing as a Sunite Priest

James Lysik - Seeker Revolutionary stoned to death for a crime he did not commit.
i walked one morning to the fair


Alexander Archibald - Agent turned Thrall turned Lord.
Faolan Ulric - Werewolf Uthgardt

Thomas Crane - Ghaunadauran Slave

Casca Quinn - Watch Sergeant, died to TWO TOOTH ZARACOV in the battle of Sewer Town

Roland O'Haverty - Short time Crone Employee, the unsung hero of getting GLORBLOR THE SHADOW into the crone.

"Lascivious" Leslie Ubel - Dirty Nancy Member and Leader, Self-Proclaimed Leader of Lower Sanc.

Leonard Merrickson - "Knight" and Councilor, died to Scholar

BARNABUS - Minotaur body builder.

Celeste "Captain Thorn" Macasta - Valley Girl turned Pirate Captain.

Nicolae Lecuyer - Agent, quit when forced to run laps.

Kharnum Throm - Right hand of Rinaldo Montezzi, DUKE OF

Ser Daeryn Baranoth - Lord Commander of the 1st Ymphian Military.


Ugh, now I feel like I created thread necromancy when everyone started posting after me.


- Frum Highill.  Owner of the Famous Highill Emporium.
- Hrothgar Whitehowler. Priest of Uthgar and shaman to the Grey Wolf tribe.
- A few crappy ones. Nothing memorable.
- Lucas Donrick. Last sion of House Donrick.
- Escevar Malatesta. Shame the family didn't last long.


Nikoli 'Bear' Brown. Bouncer of the Pissing Crone, right before the gangs started popping up.

Deebek. Goblin.

Handful of others, no one memorable.


D'rayzn Anthriir
Danael Royce
Iryan Ubel
Imnan Chaimledel
Majre Nogueyra

Victoria Brackish
Absolom Dar Ehring

Marko Carat
Eryne Kshatrya
Laheryn Stormcrow
Maiev Kassian
Clarion Adan Auar

Yael Travancore

Inara Kolrath
Hersilia Malatesta
Thurstan Upshaw
Ovrid Mulroon
Mortwen Gibbs
Current PC: Acolyte Itziyal Neniarral



Grimar Stonehelm BASTARD


How could I forget...
Marcus Kemp, Arena Headmaster - GIANT MAN-BEAST OF RED KNIGHT! Within whom the blood of the dragon coursed freely!!!!!!!! (Fighter/Ranger/Sorcerer obv.)


Adella Sannen - Sergeant of the Watch.
Drusilla Carensbane - Lathanderite Paladin.
Lallareila - Thayan Diviner.
Sachrissa Elaueth - The most compassionate Councillor in all the land! 8)
Serutha Rikennan - Ordinant of the Society of the Ordered Mind.
Gharraghaur Fardelver - Dwarf.

Melekianneth - Priestess of Amaunator
Rihu - Stargazing Druid.
Ysalantra Datharathai

I can has fun?

Janus Vester - Lathanderite priest; retired.
Jaden Sarkish - Thrall of Phandiates, worst Watch private ever; died alongside his one true love on Bresley's Way.
Ingrid Mordis - Privateer and Captain of Kenning Trades, successful lobbyist of the Sanctuary Council; died to Celeste Macasta.
Osilia Volbeks - Monk / scholar of Azuth, guardian of the last living svirfneblin; died defending Sanctuary from the armies of Ysinode.
Jharla Decker - Archaeologist and jungle beauty queen; alive.
Nephriti Amonhotep - Huntress and Sharbonneth Patrician; retired.

Plus a couple of alts whose names I've long since forgotten.


Frago Jolter- Only ever EFU pc i played. lvl 5 Gnomish Rogue
Ama'il - First Surface PC, "he got his druidness from a budweiser competition"
Kelir Hauksen- Dwarven rogue/druid. Brother to Labur Hauksen cleric of Sharindlar.
Gagdishnak Tanner aka Talon- Halforc druid, wise as hell, dumb as a post.
Cale Colt- Shameless Powerbuild.
Koili Axcklet- Dwarven barb/ranger, acolyte of Talos, nutball.
Frago Jolter- Gnomish cleric of Gond, Hardcase, He took no shit from anyone.
Sagoin Leathorn- Halfling ftr/monk hin fist order. A halfling with a greater purpose.


Wow, lots of good names from the Old Days!

Andrei of the Blade Tribe - charming and foolish young bard of the Tribe of the Blade.  Killed by TNVW to thankfully end his story.  

Aric Willamson - vain, young human cleric, Lathanderites Take I.  Killed by Caddies

Breena Watchever - female cleric/paladin of Berronar, leader of the Mithrilsouls.  Assassinated by Montezzis.

Craddoc Strongaxe - dwarf fighter/cleric of the Silverbeard.  Cranky old silver-haired warrior, but loved his fellow dwarves.  Retired

"Dae-utinu" - surly elf ranger, member of the Sentinels.  Wandering the UD forever, and doing a lot of hiding.

Durgan Ironblade - dwarf fighter, learned how much fun online NWN was.  Retired.

Erik Plainswalker - young human fighter looking for direction and someone to look up to, but never found it.  Spellguard Associate, killed by drow.

Geoffrey Wellington - paunchy, insufferable cleric of Torm and Warden of New Dunwarren for a SHORT while. Retired.

Hiko - a "mighty" stargazer warlock.  Active for now.  

Menion Halleck - big, scythe-wielding farmer, went pyscho in battle and thought his enemies were all drow.  Guardian of the Archibalds, killed by Mort.

Prior Harold Blake "Father Harry" - Leader of the Lathanderite church, Take II.  Killed by Caddies.

Quinn Sanders - just a regular schmoe, and older brother of Sam.  Joined the Fleet then the Sharboneth Guard.  On hold

Rollo Stoneshield - male cleric of Berronar Truesilver, Thane of the Stouthearts.  Bravely followed an illithid into a portal to Ysinode.  Oops!


Quote from: Ommadawn;129275As Omma_Dawn (all UD PC's):

Goddard - Half Elf Seeker hell bent on getting home to Waterdeep, but fell afoul of Montezzi and Cruzel


Zota - Goblin, First EFU pc ever.  Almost got recruited into the redskulls before he got wtfganked by DM CAWILLA as Cell guard (Female).[INDENT]Lerzon (Burtz) - First serious efu pc. Pit fighter gone watchman gone murderer gone dead. Yay Tempus!
[/INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]Vilmar Be'tense - Made out with  illithid statues. You should've seen Wern8's PC's face.
[/INDENT][/INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT] Kyle Svir - Sunite gone Loviataran, turned Sunite again. Died being smothered by Senestia Avarscanti's breasts.
[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]  Dimnelen Rimnelennus Rimferrin - He made things explode. Lots of things.  Eaten by a smelly Mortrat.
[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]Lana Shadowsong - Sunite necromancer gone luruean druid. (Waht?) Spent her last days getting really high with OONA.  Killed by an ogre that contrary to her belief was not a giant talking mushroom that wanted a hug.
[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]Esia Eria'Tess - Elven assassin, died attacking the Matron Mother of Traensyr's personal messenger preistess chick.
[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]Tofubu - He still knows more alchemy, herbalism, and cooking than you ever will.
[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]Larry Leadows[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]- Wizard, mugger, businessman, "Nature's guardian", Ladies' man, flat out rich bastard. (Maybe current?~)[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]



Mort Meetier: My first PC to live more than a few hours in old EFU. Promoted the "House of Meetier" and gave away potions of luck.  Lost all memories of his past after stabilizing after a cave beetle attacked him. He had purple full plate. Got it for like 600 coin.

Glug: The half-orc I should have never let die.  Big, green looked like Shrek.  Liked Humans alot and smashing things. Demanded the Zig take him home when things got rough..so fun to play.

Drek Tegal: The criminal halfling that was working to turn the Blue Meanies into the most powerful criminal organization Ymph had ever seen..but the Meanies imploded...Still should have FD'd Sig... ;)

Sebastian: Half-orc wizard/cleric of Tyr. My most unlucky of characters.

Jeb Portman: Human rogue. My BUM...He rocked...he got sorta rich but never really tried to do much except kill rats, drink and smoke stinkweed.  One day he killed some Gnolls cuz he didn't know what a 'gnoll' was. :)


Rugnar the Mad:  A drunken Dwarf that would laugh uncontrollably and drink till he fell over...in the street.  Was always amazed he was never robbed.

Frin Ryskill: A fairly quiet halfling monk.  I perma'd him because he was part of a TPK at the hands of wild orcs on the way walking back from Harpies.  
[We were ALL killed by the orcs, looted (possibly raped) and eaten...no respawn IMO! :twisted:]


Kree-Chuur: Weird blue monk/fighter min/max build. I sorta hate playing him if I really RP the character properly given his background and stats.


Braam Fyndholt:  The dark-skinned human in red and black...

Bodoc Jert:  The bald halfling in black and green...