Icarus Sneech - Dialogue Price and Actual Price Mismatch

Started by RPG, July 09, 2019, 07:24:50 PM

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NPC: Icarus Sneech
Location: Ring 99 - Mongrelwoods - Interior

Icarus Sneech, the surgeon NPC in the Mongrelwoods, claims he'll offer a random object from his bag for 250 gold but actually charges 500. I've used the service a few times to test it on some character I didn't care about and the item quality makes me believe it's meant to be 250 gold.
That's my purse! I don't know you!



Seems like he's still saying he'll charge 250 in his dialogue, though your own dialogue for reply says 500. I haven't checked again to see which number he actually takes.

1. A couple other things with Smeech he's selling an overpowered bedroll like the other Mongrelwood PC used to that only weighs 0.2 pounds.

2. His quest requests that you go talk to the bartender at the spinning groat to deliver something, but the bartender never gives you any option to hand over the delivery. Regardless of if you deliver or not Smeech will accept the quest turn-in.
That's my purse! I don't know you!