House Velstra

Started by Knight Of Pentacles, February 25, 2020, 12:54:11 AM

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Knight Of Pentacles

House Velstra could benefit from their masterwork cloth giving +4 ac like in the other House stores.  I also believe that one should be able to buy the ability to spread "Feast Gossip".  A token that allows you to spread feast gossip similar in the way market rumors are spread. 

Maxwell Artfall

Feast gossip is a fun idea



I also think their cloth should have wizard slots.


I'd be more inclined to make rumors Groat-based rather than Velstra-based simply because it might encourage people to foster player factions in the Groat. But I certainly appreciate this idea.

In general, House Velstra loot seems pretty lackluster and very taunt or bard focused and is therefore much more specialized than other houses. Their gear could use a look at.


+2 Velstra needs more love, Feast Rumors would be a great benefit to counteract market rumors! Velstra gear is pretty lackluster :/ I love the house concept though.