Tentative PC Faction: Slavers/Outlaws

Started by Random_White_Guy, April 30, 2009, 01:29:38 PM

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Howdy, EFU:A I really don't have much of a group idea yet, just an inspiring idea.

During my recent concept-thinking spree I had a discussion with another PC about how much it sucked being "Wanted" and having a "Bounty" on your head because it got so boring outside of the city.

Solution? Pirate Cove (Haha, Jokes aside).

Particularly, Slavers, Smugglers, and Outlaws to bring a bit of the old EFU lifestyle to the Surface. However this group would likely be more often than not unwelcome within the Ziggurat. It would require I imagine a few to handful of PCs of similar timezones, and I've got a lot of time coming up with Summer on the cusp, so I was thinking this would be a fun project to pursue.

I'm not sure how Slavery would work on EFU in a wide scale, but I would imagine something akin to an arrest wand could be suggested to the DMs if enough folks are interested. As I said, this is a pretty fledgling plot idea, but I've got a character in mind and was just curious of opinions.

Much of the server is focused upon the Ziggurat but I have done that with my last few characters, and was looking for a change of pace.

Do you guys (PC and DM alike), believe something like this could survive EFU? A group that would welcome Outlaw/Wanted PCs, give them folks to interact with outside of the ziggurat, and perhaps lead to some awesome slavery/outlaw fun?
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


Depends on the NPC support. imo we, as a server, need something besides the Ziggurat, but then, I was never much a fan on the look. So I'm bias. The idea could be hawt though.

You know where I stand on the faction idea.


[Thumbs up] I like the idea. I myself had thought of places like that. Either a wild tribe that welcomes outsiders (a little more accessible than Gaeserics' od Starwood) or that idea is awesome. Count on me if you need help with that.


Yeah I would love this sort of thing. Personaly I would love to see a small settlement (nothing more than a few huts to begin with) located outside the city, but not too far away. This would be a good place to hang out if you were wanted by the long arm of the law. Maybe I  would even end up with a upper vs lower style relationship between the two, something we all love.


There's camps in tunnels for those who need to hide/rest, not far off Zig, too. Make a group, claim the area, clear off the pests... You folks do that better than i do. DM support would help, of course...

From previous forums post, there's lots of people wanting to play outlaws, but not be located in Gobsquat, so i'm guessing this kinda faction will draw crowds.

Maybe.. it already exists, too ;)

Egon the Monkey

We already have the Gobsquat, Docks  and the Sewers as our Wretched Hives of Scum and Villainy(TM) for various flavours of  evil types to hideout and plot in, so what I really think we could use is an area more suited for CG/CN outlaws opposing the Ziggurat's more LN/LE rule. I can't recall a faction in those lines since the Fleet folded, and from playing someone involved with a non-evil outlaw faction (the Arrows of Justice) in the early days, it's not easy.

There are spawnpoints out there but they are empty camps with nothing to do there. What I'd like to see is either a more Good outpost or some sort of neutral "no fighting here" enclave that isn't to be messed with. Not like the Sated Shark, that was able to be blown up by a handful of de Olid's hired goons, but something more akin to a non-villainous version of the Pyrimo or Thomas's Shop, or a Chaotic New Dunwarren "FREEEDOM!" area (woad covered Russell Crowe lookalike optional ;)) .


Like the Stronghold we planned with the Hawks which didnt happen . I agree with Egon. Both that AND a pirate alcove -could be fun however. All is plopped in and attached to the Zig atm.


Gobsquat, to be frank, is Diet Evil Lair. It hasn't ever had any vibe of danger what soever that i've seen, and feels rather lifeless outside of the Hanged Goblin.  The Pirate Cove thing was more of a musing/Joke, however. I was more curious about people's opinion of a Faction of outlaws, which would I hope eventually garner such a hangout but it isn't necessarily a "WE MUST HAVE LAIR" Thing.

If I could get more feedback on the concept over the "Lair", it'd be appreciated. Just curious to see if people think an idea like this could work on EFU, or if its something that wouldn't be of interest because there's no slavery without direct DM oversight, and not much to smuggle.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


I've always found it fairly odd that a Noble House with a mercantile bent hasn't introduced a swathe of laws regulating trade and various forms of taxation, which would give a smuggler something to, well, do, in circumventing the legislation.

I think a group that worked outside of the Ziggurat but wasn't nature-oriented would be good, though!


isnt barbarian camp supposed to be exactly this?

however pirates would be cool, like a CG CN faction.


Since I've returned I've found a haven of tunnels and passage ways with tons of potential meeting grounds for nay-well doers and goodly rebels alike. So I don't think a lair would be hard as some are making it sound.

As for the concept I think it's a great idea, but it would require a good bit of active pc backing and even then it would have to stand the test of time. It's definitely a good route to take, slavery is touchy when it comes to non npcs though, it's really difficult to do well on either end due to how the game works.

Anyway personally I see great potential in a chaotic haven pirate hive, whether pc's can get together and make it work is another thing entirely! At the moment I have a concept I like, so I couldn't make a character specifically for the purpose of setting up something like this.


I eagerly look forward to RwG dying valiantly defending the spirit of the faction 2-3 days in.

Egon the Monkey

I'll drag myself back more on topic for a reply then.
I have actually done smuggler's runs before in the Underdark, when due to the obliteration of New Dunwarren and Lower, there was no place to buy wands/bottles except Mur. My Ranger would buy a dozen or so wands at Fort Mur, stealth back to Sanctuary and sell them at a 10 gold each mark-up.

Now, there's a few ways I could see to do this, but I think that a good start might be a scripted quest to smuggle something *out* of an area. Possiblt that gives you Chaotic points in the same way that Animate Dead slaps Evil points on you. That would stop it getting spammed by PCs who really wouldn't consider smuggling.

For example, remove an item from sale at all NPC stores unless it is sold to them by players and lower its drop rate drastically. Then, have a 2-9 quest that consists of:
1:Quest Giver NPC in Ziggurat:"I might know where to get the item, for a price"
2: Bluff/Intimidate/Persuade/Bribe the NPC into telling you the seller.
3: Seller NPC in remote area: "Yeah, I'll sell you 10 of those, but for X Gold, they're hard to find right now".
4: Appraise or Persuade check to lower price.
5: Recieve 10 of the item.
6: Bluff/bribe/Stealth check to get past a Guard who would levy a charge to get out of the area.
7: Using the same "turn over X items for this reward" code as for Scavenger and Rat hunting, have a Ziggurat/Squat NPC let you sell as many of them as you want to him for a profit and a little XP.


Slavers and smugglers, do it.  If I wasn't playing an ultra good priest i'd join you...

I think the idea of a slavers faction could grow tremendously in this environment given the possible plots in Old Port.  All depends on if the DM's are into it.


QuoteMy Ranger would buy a dozen or so wands at Fort Mur, stealth back to Sanctuary and sell them at a 10 gold each mark-up.

That's a bug/exploit. Report anything like that when there is a discrepancy between shopkeepers.