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The name alone makes this an A+ tier concept
The drop rate when the chapter first started on tinkering materials was (seemed to be) much higher, and having recently made a tinkering themed character I've noticed I haven't seen any drop naturally yet. I've managed to purchase two from other PCs but outside of that I haven't seen any on my recent characters. I haven't had the time to explore the tinkering system very thoroughly, and it's completely possible the system produces its own interesting products without bundles when you've gotten more knowledgeable about the system. But I noticed the low drop rate of bundles of material which seem to be involved in making some of the more interesting items and decided to make the suggestion to increase their occurance.

Suggestions / Chairs/table in Sunpurse Mansion
August 26, 2019, 06:39:52 AM
It'd be nice if the Sunpurse Mansion could get a table(s) and some chairs maybe in the bunkroom area so faction members and their guests can have a place to discuss things sitting down that isn't directly open to the public. Being a traditional house all about dignity it's awkward to have full conversations standing behind locked doors, or sensitive discussions while new players wander in asking the Reeve to tell them about House Sunpurse an arm's length away.
Computer overheating/freezing issues that my small lizard-brain couldn't fix is putting my out of commission for a few days while I bring my PC to a shop. I'm also moving to a new apartment with a new roommate on Friday(ish) so I won't be able to be around in any serious capacity until I get settled in and I've had people with life skills fix my rig for me.

I'll still be dicking around on mobile EE and discord to get my fix but not playing on any character I'm attached to.
Or lower the DC to 10 to be in line with the rest of the "climb over rubble" checks in Ticker.

If a DM wants the current basement dwellers to persue it IG paying to have a pair of ladders put up for each side would be cool. But as it is it's annoying and out of place with it's abnormally high DC.
RIP to the most powerful and successful goblin of v5
I 100% support the idea of, if not hatches to alchemy labs being labeled as such, at least having a different name than the generic hatches so over time players can notice and understand that these specific hatches carry much larger risk and low/no reward for their PCs. Too many players have mentioned transitioning into what they expected to be an explorable only to die before the loading screen ends to some alchemy-created monster. It's CoR's version of Drop Bears but more frustrating because it's unwitting and courteous players doing it entirely unintentionally.

I really like the idea, even if it's just a temporary thing until the alchemy bench system in changed or updated as it sounds like it will be, of labeling the hatches to alchemy labs as something like [A hatch leading to a laboratory below.]
RIP Arg Smell-Teeth
Seems like he's still saying he'll charge 250 in his dialogue, though your own dialogue for reply says 500. I haven't checked again to see which number he actually takes.

1. A couple other things with Smeech he's selling an overpowered bedroll like the other Mongrelwood PC used to that only weighs 0.2 pounds.

2. His quest requests that you go talk to the bartender at the spinning groat to deliver something, but the bartender never gives you any option to hand over the delivery. Regardless of if you deliver or not Smeech will accept the quest turn-in.
NPC: Icarus Sneech
Location: Ring 99 - Mongrelwoods - Interior

Icarus Sneech, the surgeon NPC in the Mongrelwoods, claims he'll offer a random object from his bag for 250 gold but actually charges 500. I've used the service a few times to test it on some character I didn't care about and the item quality makes me believe it's meant to be 250 gold.
I'm in bed on my phone. Here's the thing. Sorry about audio and stuttering visuals



Rewards/Swearing of Oaths
I miss doing this quest.
First inquisitor will be hard to beat. Set the standard which anyone who fills the office should aspire for. Brutally, uncompromisingly, non-stop inquisition. None of that mamby pamby "sit back and observe patiently for now" first two avengers movies Thanos scaredy-cat garbage. The bar has been set and it has been set high. Well done my man.

Edit: the difference between "non-inquisition" and "non-stop inquisition" is large
Suggestions / Re: Resting Spot in Tehoto
June 27, 2019, 08:32:53 AM
Please. There's no spot to rest in Tehoto, the Rifts, the Scraggleways, or the Commons. If your party has some spellcasters in it this means to do two quests that are a few hundred feet away from each other you're required to make a trip through a lengthy underwater zone plus 4 sizeable areas there, the same long journey back to rest, then a third time to return to the quests, then again to head home or rest for more journeying. It's exhausting and leaves most parties unwilling to try the more difficult of the pair of quests.
The Gendarmes of Khoral'duun are sort of scattered all over the timezones but if you're interested in playing a military boi trying to restore order to the rings hit me up man. We're mostly dwarves and based around the idea of restoring an old dwarven hold and being a self appointed army for the Bulwark but the group is open to any character of any race who supports the idea of bringing law and order and lizardfolk genocide