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Messages - Stranger

Books and Publications of the Desert / The Empty Gallows
February 13, 2023, 09:14:55 AM
The latest productions by a sorcerer gifted in all things ink...
Suggestions / Re: Spells Suggestions Thread
February 03, 2023, 08:35:01 PM
Phase out  blank scrolls.

Further evolve paper to be targeted by scribe scroll for the purpose of creating scrolls.
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: Soulhunger
May 04, 2022, 08:14:12 PM
A magnificent lunatic.
A level nine wizard in my faction was recently mauled to death by some of the creatures that now lurk in the Weald.

The lowbie quests should definitely be brought in from the cold.
A wicked story.

And that's what it is all about. Great job, Pool.
Quote from: Damien on February 22, 2022, 06:07:30 PM
- The count is still drilling towards the king (?) - But everyone hates him now? Or is everyone pro king now? Why do we hate him exactly? Has it been established if he is connected to Nothing?

Yes. Everyone hates him. Velstra and Glitt are pro-King. Orza and Moonspear are just anti-Count.

He is hated for being an evil, sadistic vampire who abused his supporters and enemies alike as fodder for his distant wars against the King.

It has been established that he is connected to the Nothing, but it is not fully understood why and how.

Quote from: Damien on February 22, 2022, 06:07:30 PM
-- Ojo the bloodmage has returned - Is bloodmagic okay ? Its not seen as taboo or anything, so we can all help him? Did anyone even explain why we are helping him?

Blood magic is controversial. Nephezar existed in recent memory, but it's still savage and spooky and it was even when House Nephezar properly existed.

Ojo was released from the Count's dungeon to help destroy the Count. He is necessary for this purpose. He might also help against the Nothing.

Ojo is very powerful and the people who rioted in objection to the Peers (all five houses helped rescue Ojo) were ruthlessly crushed by his blood golem, which he animated from the body of a dead goat. Opposing Ojo is unlikely to be successful, but would be controversial.

Quote from: Damien on February 22, 2022, 06:07:30 PM
- Sunpurse is closed (?) - Is the estate just shut while everything has a makeover or did phelan go do something?

The faction is closed. From what the DMs have said on the topic, the initial intention seems to have been a makeover, but that idea has been cast forever into development hell for various reasons (not the least of which is the  controversial prospect of "Peerage druids" as an extension of Phelan's themes).

Quote from: Damien on February 22, 2022, 06:07:30 PM
-- Sverri is the spirit of Arrenhius or w/e - Is this a new thing to peerage? Has it happened before? If its new are people generally for or against it? Is the spirit evil? Are we meant to know who he was?

This is shrouded in great mystery. Supposedly, Arrhenius is the fated guide who will deliver us to our salvation, and his avatar is a thus a figure great importance in the Peerage, but many view him as mad or treacherous.

Quote from: Damien on February 22, 2022, 06:07:30 PM
-- The Nothing is moving closer (?) - Is it? There's agents about so are we meant to think the Nothing is like growing closer?

The Nothing is extremely close. It is less than ten rings away. The Prince's Martyrs operate in a similar manner to the Knaves of 99, but are much more monstrous and are widely understood to be agents of the apocalypse.
Despite the longer walk and special surprise for spellcasters, Three Fang Keep is not as difficult as the Bloodtusk Marauders, and it is not as supply intensive because there are fewer dispels.
Suggestions / Re: "Skilled" Half-Orcs
February 16, 2022, 03:00:24 PM
The feat does nothing. It's just an informational blurb, like "Small Stature," with no mechanical effects. You are directly coded to have +1 skill point per level if you have Human as your character race at the time of leveling up.

As a quirk of this, being polymorphed while leveling removes the skill bonus, as does a change in racial type from later becoming a monster.
Suggestions / Re: Remove XP Loss from familiars
January 16, 2022, 12:04:37 AM
This would be wonderful.
Taken from us too soon.
The best of us.
Suggestions / Re: ~COMMAND ALL~
December 08, 2021, 06:41:06 AM
This tool previously existed on EFU, but was removed from use before I began playing here because of undesirable results.

I recommend using the NWN voice command suite instead.
General Discussion / Re: Grand Game Ruleset
November 08, 2021, 09:17:57 PM
Cloudkill may be worth adding to the list of forbidden spells.

Knights currently appear to be the least desirable piece type, as good as Opportunist can be. Perhaps they could also receive a few uses of improved invisibility? That would give them more of a bite as both support units and attackers.