QuoteLiving arrowsHide
Living Arrows
Innate level: 1
School: Transmutation
Target: Self
Range: Single
Duration: 1 turn per level
Save: Harmless
Arrows and bolts you touch become alive! When you hit a creature with a bolt or arrow, the ammunition will ricochet itself into a nearby target, dealing 1d4 damage.[close]
Entangle arrowHide
Entangle arrow
Innate level: 1
School: Transmutation
Range: Self
Area of effect: Single
Duration: 1 round per level or when fired
Save: reflex
At a touch, you imbue your next shot with magical roots that binds its target for 1 round per level.
**adds a the on-hit property of tangle on next arrow.
** Replaces any current imbued effect on the next arrow
SF: Transmutation - adds 10% piercing damage vulnerability per round tangled.[close]
Imbued arrowHide
Imbued arrow
Innate level: 2
School: Evocation
Range: Self
Area of effect: Special
Duration: 1 turn per level or when fired
Imbue your next arrow with elemental energy that contains one of three on-hit effects:
Fire - upon hitting its target, this arrow bursts into magical flame damaging nearby targets. All creatures hit take 1d4 fire damage per 2 levels to a (max of 5d4), taking half damage on a reflex roll. Additionally, creatures hit become marked by flame- removing and preventing invisibility and concealment for 1d4 rounds
Ice - Upon hitting its target, this arrow causes the creature to take 1d6 per 4 levels of cold damage (max of 3d6) + 1 cold per level. Additionally, upon a failed fortitude save the target is chilled, becoming slowed for 2d2 rounds.
Acid - Upon hitting the target, the target takes 1d4 acid damage per round for 3 rounds. If the target dies within this time, they explode in a corrosive gas dealing 1d4 acid damage per 2 levels (maximum of 5d4) to surrounding creatures. Additionally, creatures hit by the explosion must make a will save or be dazed for 2 rounds[close]
Arrow of LightningHide
Arrow of Lightning
Innate level: 3
School: Evocation
Range: Self
Area of effect: Single
Duration: 1 round per level or when fired
Save: reflex
You shatter your next arrow into lightning that, once hits its target, wrecks havoc among your enemies. The initial target takes 1d6 per 2 levels of lightning damage (max of 5d6) or half that on a successful reflex save. The bolt then will bounce from hostile target to hostile target within its range unendingly until a reflex save is made or there is only one target left. Each bounce does 1d4 lightning damage per 3 levels (maximum 4d4 at 12).
** Difficulty Class should decrease per bounce.[close]
Hunters' markHide
Hunters' mark
Innate level: 3
School: Transmutation
Range: Long
Area of effect: Single
Duration: 1 round per level or when fired
Save: None
You mark at target with your ire and transform your animal companion into a spirit of the hunt. While under the influence of this spell, your animal companion hounds the target and gains the following benefits:
- becomes immune to attacks of opportunity
- Enters rage
- Gains darkvision
- Ignores collision
** Animal companion cannot see invisible, but remains aware of their location.
** The animal companion retains this buffs if the target is slain foe the remainder of the duration.[close]
Additionally, I'd like to suggest removing blade thirst and aid as ranger spells, and then give rangers access to 3 level spells sooner. Maybe also give more spells per level.