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Messages - Pigadig

Suggestions /
March 07, 2016, 08:21:02 PM
The solo quests that max out at 4-5 generally give a fair amount of gold, but many are also highly contingent on having high search for getting the most out of them (this also holds true for some of the more common group quests at that level as well). Regardless you should still be getting a fair amount of gold out of doing them, rather than just 20-50 gp at a time. The major problem with them is that a lot of the most rewarding are take limited, so if you're constantly knocked down to low levels you can't continue to keep running them.

All of the above isn't necessarily true for anyone who cannot walk through Dunwarren, and those that are Sanctuary based have 3 low level quests that nobody else can access that are generally fairly rewarding.

In my own personal experience it is farily easy after a reset or two for a Sanctuary based PC to be level 5, have over a thousand gp, a large supply of CLW trinkets, a moderate supply of CMW trinkets and a decent variety of useful potions. All from the lowbie solo quests. Lower based PCs will generally have fewer gp, but a lot more useful potions, primarily invisibility.
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
February 27, 2016, 11:08:47 AM
RIP chronic backstabbing disease man. A pity that he never enlisted in full for the Crystal.
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
January 29, 2016, 07:54:49 PM
Hopefully he finally managed to beat his imp properly for those terrible jokes.
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
January 24, 2016, 08:44:42 AM
You are a crazy man for how many screenies you took. RIP.
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
January 19, 2016, 07:35:19 PM
RIP ballsy agent dude. I too am sad that he did not live to see the final product of all his dealings during the war. =(
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Algarn Granitesoul
January 12, 2016, 08:41:58 PM

  It has been a long time coming but he is finally dead.
  Algarn was born on the furthest edges of the Great Rift, in a small clan holding in the underdark. Due to its severe shortage in numbers most of the dwarvern children there grew up from a young age fighting, killing and dying, and Algarn was no different â€" which is why his suggested solutions to most problems was to get angry about it followed shortly by “kill it”. He had only just become old enough to be considered an adult when the Darkening came and the Dread rose up from the depths around the world to invade. Needless to say that, as a small fortress, Clan Granitesoul was quickly overrun and a handful of survivors were forced to flee towards the surface. In the end, only Algarn reached the surface alive, before finding one of Sanctuary's portals.
  His relationship with the Crystal was complicated from the beginning. The primary driving force behind almost all of Algarn's actions was a combination of “get revenge” and “save all other dwarves who are still fighting on the surface”, and at first the Crystal and its advocates promised much. It quickly became apparent though that for all their promises the Crystal itself was not living up to them â€" the tools it made were useful, but nowhere near enough to bring about an end to the Dread. This caused Algarn to try different means of fighting, from attempting to unite the dwarves of Sanctuary into a coherent group and failing miserably multiple times, through to being a part of raids against targets of opportunity and Traesnyr itself â€" and generally just trying to make the Society seem like a worthy cause to be supporting... needless to say he also tended to fail at these things as well.
  In the end it was yet another failed raid against Traesnyr, this time an attempt to reach the surface, that broke his hopes for finding another way. So in desperation he turned back to supporting the Crystal and attempting to see it become a weapon capable of fighting the Dread. This eventually culminated in the events that led up to the War and his demise, but also led to him becoming a Ritualist of the Ordered Mind.
  Exposure to the Ordered Mind changed Algarn greatly. It soothed his anger and near perpetual rage by giving him a taste of the vengeance that he hoped was to come, as well as greatly empowering him. Alas it was not nearly enough to live to see his vengeance attained and so, after a lengthy final battle, he died alone surrounded by enemies.
  Accepting his inevitable fate his final words were “So be it.”
  - - - - - - - - - -
  Unfortunately I forgot to take a screenshot of his final stats, so instead have one of Algarn from 12 or so months ago going almost all out. He ended up LG when he became a Ritualist. I got to level 10 twice and was 5K away from a third time, with a 20% xp penalty, and let me tell you I am never doing that again. Favoured classes all the way!
  The Imaskari plotline was the one that cemented with certainty that the Society and Spellguard would eventually go to war in my mind. Also the PCs and players and storyline involved were amazing and filled with great locales.
  Algarn spent most of his time randomly wandering the underdark, sometimes with friends, mostly alone.
  Sometimes that resulted in finding strange and interesting places and things...
  The war between the Society and the Spellguard was a bloody affair and filled with searching for hidden secrets and knowledge for an edge in battle.
  Throughout Algarn's time in the Society he interacted with a great number of Ordinants and other PCs...
  From his start as an Oathsworn right through to becoming a Ritualist...
  And he experienced a great many strange things along the way.
  Some of them not so very serious.
  Lucky last, the loot. He kept the fan art he got from Fenrick right through to the very final moment.
  The end!
Off-topic Discussion /
December 23, 2015, 11:19:11 PM
Ironically, differently from everyone else, my workplace has finally stopped imploding from shitty financial decisions and so I will, 1) actually have a job in the new year, 2) actually be able to have holidays until 4th January and therefore 3) be around a lot more often except for Christmas day.
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
December 19, 2015, 07:22:22 PM
Didn't see much of her towards the end, but the sheer enjoyable insanity you brought to all interactions was very cool.
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
December 05, 2015, 03:36:26 AM
RIP Deo, he was a fun dwarf buddy to roll around with, though I didn't get to do it much alas.
Bug Reports /
October 13, 2015, 07:54:44 AM
Looks like a joke weapon to me.
Screen Shots & Obituaries /
October 01, 2015, 10:48:02 AM
I am sad we never got to meet, he seemed like a lot of (madman) fun to be around. :(
Suggestions /
September 22, 2015, 08:23:10 AM
Goblins, definitely goblins. Then you can have goblin PCs leading small swarms of minions to be slaughtered horribly!
Bug Reports /
September 19, 2015, 08:11:18 PM
The quest zone, for the quest given by Mop the Goblin, seems really hard to find given the new changes. His dialogue still says "Southern Alleyways" but after 30 minutes of searching last night I couldn't find a door in the new zone which matched.
Off-topic Discussion /
August 24, 2015, 10:08:09 AM
After a break due to a combination of personal reasons and an increased job workload, I am back.
Suggestions /
April 18, 2015, 03:23:51 AM
Actually, as someone mentioned in IRC yesterday, it would be possible through altering spellschools.2da as per this:

Now whether that'd be a good thing or not is another question.