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Messages - CoffeeBean

Suggestions / Furniture suggestion: Trash cans
January 16, 2024, 03:22:09 AM
Hey, would it be possible to allow pcs to place trashcans after buying them from a furniture store? This would allow property owners to dispose of items as required, allow faction pcs to place trash cans in spots they frequent (like Janissary patrols), and- most important of all, place trash cans where the public desires them the most. Like in camps or just outside gates.
Bug Reports / Sand trolls and Scare
January 15, 2024, 04:50:46 AM
Hey, when casting scare on sand trolls, they'll do the save, but won't actually get feared. There doesn't seem to be any event messages saying they are immune to fear, so I assumed it was a bug.
Journals and Musings / Re: Scattered research notes
January 14, 2024, 11:39:13 PM
Opinions and Notes: Ash Spawn

I think I have more or less a hypothesis on how Ash revenants come to exist - though I still have no idea why they branch off into varieties. I am thinking that when any creature dies due to the purification process, it fuses the body with ash- encasing it with positive charged ash. Being encased in this ash prevents the release of the creatures negative energies that naturally occur when life dies- causing the body to reanimate.

However, it is still unknown why the ash hardens in response to physical trauma. It truly becomes a reactive shield for the creature as if it were sentient.

Experiment idea: Ash Revenant Autopsy

The main objective of an autopsy would be to first, remove the ash from the revenant- allowing for later inspection, method of how to do this is still pending.

Second objective would be to inspect the naked corpse's properties- seeing if there are any other discernible changes to the body.

Hypothetically, if I can discern more about the charged ash properties, I can- using the formula of death armor- create a shield of negative energies that results in the interacting ash to lose charge. 
Journals and Musings / Re: Scattered research notes
January 14, 2024, 02:21:35 AM
Experiment idea: Melek mutations

As per the discussion I had with Janissary Lightdew, we concluded that the greatest strength of the Melek is their ability to breed quickly, allowing for them to evolve certain features fairly quickly- thus explaining why we've been seeing new variants.

This strength, however, can be made into a weakness. Observations in the wild suggest that an animal will evolve to meet different requirements to survive- thus, we can draw the conclusion that Melek are no different. If I were to obtain a clutch of Melek eggs, it is hypothetically possible to force them to evolve in a certain way that will result them being a natural predator for regular Melek.

More thought is required for this..
Journals and Musings / Re: Scattered research notes
January 14, 2024, 12:53:49 AM
Experiment idea: The Drink

The mysterious Drink produced by the Sisters is a puzzle I would very much like to solve! The issue in solving it is the complexity of the substance- one cannot simply boil down the liquid into its base components, or so I have been told.

-If- this was tested before, then I think it can be concluded that the Sisters do not simply add something to the drink, rather- the main ingredients are either infused with some processes, or are "exotic".

Given the known effects of the Drink, I assume that the intended purpose of the Drink is to give the Sisters a medium to interact with at a distance. This unfortunately does not shorten the possibilities. However, I have an idea which Isaac and Zain can help me with.

[ The rest of the note continues on about the color of magic. ]
Suggestions / I need a Hero
January 12, 2024, 06:31:15 AM
One of my favorite systems in EFU has been the Randomized hero NPCs that'll show up in the wastes as well as quests. However, I think it could use some expanding- I'd personally love to see more heroes for bandits, undead, and animatronic enemy types.
Journals and Musings / Intrusive thoughts
January 09, 2024, 10:32:24 AM
[ Unlike all of Lapa's other notes, this one alone bears no design to be made, no idea to ponder- it is but a few simple lines of text upon an otherwise blank page ]

Life. Death. Rebirth. The Stars. Change.

The world is dying, but does it actual need saving?
Suggestions / Re: Human Subrace
January 07, 2024, 05:14:25 AM
I think a bonus to astronomy and a negative penalty to survival would be thematically fitting.

Their culture is significantly tied to astronomy while they are less knowledgeable about survival in the desert.
Correspondence / Sergeant Reyer
January 06, 2024, 01:45:09 AM
Buongiorno Sergeant,

I hope the night is treating you well, and that your workload has been light!

When you have a chance to speak to me, I would like some of your time to bend an ear on political matters.

Nadiri Taiapetra
Correspondence / Khan Chraub
January 06, 2024, 12:50:53 AM
Dearest Khan,

At your earliest convenience, I would like to discuss a matter of politics with you. I think it would be to our mutual benefit- if possible, I would like to try to meet either today or before the meeting at the gold league tomorrow.

 It is not imperative that it occurs within that timeframe, but it would be beneficial.

Nadiri Lapa Taiapetra
Buongiorno, my fellow league members- It is time.

We have for too long not spoken on any of our League's matters- a situation that must be remedied as soon as possible. I want you to all write back to me on what days would best for a meeting- you may include viable times as well //Please include timezone//. I will compile these results and announce a meeting as soon as possible.

Wine will be provided for attendees. If you know any cooks, do let me know-

League Member Lapa Taiapetra.

Correspondence / Balladeer Aurelio
December 30, 2023, 10:09:42 PM
A letter arrives at the Krak with the symbol of the gold league printed on its side


You said at our last meeting that you would be raising daily meetings for the Gold league. While I am sure you are busy, would it be possible for you to do one soon? We have been too lax in the present day and there are things I would like to discuss as soon as possible. If you do not think you are able to regularly schedule these meetings, I would gladly take such position.

League Member,
Lapa Taiapetra
Journals and Musings / Re: Scattered research notes
December 27, 2023, 09:45:03 AM
Experiment idea: Ritual Alchemy

Alchemy and magic. Magic and alchemy. Though they seem different, there is a core principle that is similar between them: Equivalent exchange.

Thus, it wouldn't be far fetched to conduct a ritual that involves certain aspects of alchemy- ritual alchemy one might call it.

[The paper trails on for some time on alchemical circles and principles attributed to ritual magic ... but stops to ponder a new thought near the end]

Morality- it is a curious thing. Do I have a right to be squeamish about my products? Who buys them? Is that something merchants even concern themselves with? That selling a dagger to a stranger might condemn an innocent to doom? One thing is for certain- I must choose. To do otherwise would be to take the path of the meek, to seek ignorance as an excuse for action.
Journals and Musings / Re: Scattered research notes
December 21, 2023, 09:18:43 AM
Experiment idea: The Alchemic Flask

Given the results of alchemical experiment 23, in which REDACTED was successfully used to create REDACTED, it holds true that REDACTED is alchemically reactive.

With this in mind, it is plausible then that any source of corruption from REDACTED, even within the mortal body, could cause a potential, even if subtle, reaction when in contact with the alchemic process. If this is true, which is yet to be proven, perhaps the creation of alchemic glass that is inherently reactive, could create a small, subtle effect when mixed with corrupted blood of a subject.

[The note continues on listing viable materials suitable for alchemic glass, settling on ground up Ruby and other materials attuned to the fire plane, then heated into glass.]
Journals and Musings / Scattered research notes
December 21, 2023, 09:08:20 AM
Experiment idea: Helm of Unthinking

As proposed by my colleague, using a helmet would allow the device to better impact the brain for desired outcome. The issue, however, would be a power source. While we could repurpose the suggested objects to suppress a subjects cognitive function, I doubt that would last forever by itself.

Perhaps a secondary device that acts as a charging mechanism for device A.

[The messy scrawl continues to suggest a variety of devices and methods to provide constant power, including affixing a baublium intake in the helmet.]