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Messages - CoffeeBean

Suggestions / Better Conjurers
November 28, 2023, 08:56:48 AM
If character is sorcerer or wizard (with conjuration school) and they possess the feat GSF: Conjuration, I think it would be interesting to let them interact with conjuration items in a unique way.

For example, for reagents that get consumed upon use, maybe the conjurer draws additional strength from the summon focus and all summons are +1. While for summoning times, the conjurer bypasses any negative summon modifier attached to the book. 
Quote(Mass) Phantasmal Affliction
The GSF: Illusion doesn't really make the spell much better or feel more impactful, especially given the fact the base spell requires a double saving throw, which the poison save doesn't increase with GSF. Ironically, it feels better to take this spell with GSF: Necromancy, despite it being an illusion spell.

My suggestion would be for a failed will save to, instead of removing a single point in wisdom, apply either the effects of "Doom" for round/level or make the target reroll their poison save.

QuotePhantasmal Assault
Spell is decently useful with GSF, but I think the damage is severely lacking. My suggestion is to make it a d6 per level/2 + 1 per caster level. This puts it at a maximum of 40 damage at level 10. 
Introductions and Group Management / The Mafia di Ferro
October 25, 2023, 04:45:19 AM
QuoteOutcasts, cultists, thugs, and freaks– all struggling to make their mark as they languish in an impoverished nook within gutters... No longer.

Looking for outcast PCs who would normally have a difficult time existing in the Well without being hunted or rejected for their particular beliefs. The Mafia di Ferros focus as a group will be to pursue multiple illegal sources of income- anywhere from smuggling drugs to assassinations and ransoming- using that money to improve upon the Creep as a minor Hub. This group is going to be centered mostly around PvP and evil pcs, but there is certainly room for Chaotic Neutral rebels who want to stick it to the Janis'. 

Race : Any
Class : No Paladins. Necromancers and Djinn-centered characters will find it challenging to fit in.
Alignment: Any Evil or Chaotic neutral

Contact me on discord- Username is Coffee,
or you can find my PC in game.
Suggestions / Cutthroat: Fighter_Perk
October 24, 2023, 04:43:37 PM
Requested change: Change poison on hit to have a primary and secondary effect. Suggested primary effect being a d8 in poison damage if failed the 14 dc save, and the secondary applying a wounding effect if the target, again, fails the 14 dc save.

Reason: The active itself only lasts for one minute- Meaning you'll only have the opportunity to inflict the poison once. The poison itself is only a d2 at a 14 dc and only applies that d2 after a minute, thus preventing the target from being poisoned again for that duration. In both pvp and pve, I do not see a use.
General Discussion / Re: DM Appreciation Day - Abala
October 23, 2023, 09:17:52 PM
It cannot be understated how much work you have put into the server and community for the past couple of years. While this server is player driven, your work has kept it fresh and enjoyable through out this past decade- so I cannot thank you enough for all that you've done.

I hope you and the rest of the DMs know that the we players deeply appreciate the work you do. Sometimes we can get a little heated or disagreeable, but in the end, none of us would be in this community if it wasn't for everything ya'll do.

Suggestions / General suggestions for the Creep
October 23, 2023, 09:05:17 PM
Hey, since I've been playing a character aimed at the Creeps, I've noticed some things that have really made it challenging to work with. With that in mind, rather than make a number of different posts in regards to changes I'd like to see, I am going to list them out here. I'll update the post as ideas come to mind.

Sand tunnel entrance
QuoteShort and simple- the entrance into the Creep from the sandworm tunnels shouldn't be a transition that can be entered via moving, rather it should be something you can click on to enter
only. There have been a lot of times where I'll find bodies of enemies slain in the creep, and if you are particularly unlucky, someone might have pulled a really tough enemy. This is rather immersion breaking, especially when those mobs kill all the NPCs in the Creep.

Smuggler favor
QuoteWhile there is a smuggler you can buy potions from, I find that once you get yourself cut-off from the hub, you'll struggle a lot with supplies. With that in mind, I would like to suggest that per reset, if you spawn in the Creep, you amass a number of favor points that can be redeemed at the nearby smuggler to buy supplies- Things like potions or waters would be very appreciated.

Alternative Wormer
QuoteIt'd be nice to have somewhere in the creep to drop off worm bits- same limit as the one located at the hope (100 max) and perhaps a worm grinder as well. Just for those who aren't able to enter the hope.

Public and private Sendings
QuoteOne of the hardest parts about playing a Creep only character is that you might end up banned from both the Krak and the Well. While you still have the ability to bellow, the fact that they don't show on discord is both a blessing and curse. Its great for general messages, but its not so great if you're trying to quest. In that regard, I'd like to request that the sending machine in the spires area be able to send public messages (In that they show on discord). This sending machine in particular is actually rather risky to use, as the spawns you might run into on the way can kill you quite fast.
Correspondence / A letter to Jackle
October 23, 2023, 07:04:07 PM
Gentile Signore Jackle,

Should you have time, I would wish to discuss matters of mercantile with you.

Carlo de'Est, resident of Creep Town
Suggestions / Poisonous blunt weapons
October 23, 2023, 12:02:34 AM
If it isn't hardcoded, I'd like to suggest that poisons be able to be applied to blunt weapons.

Correspondence / A letter to Ettore Lazzari
October 22, 2023, 11:02:01 AM
[From a single envelope two sheets of a paper are delivered. Upon the first:]

Gentile Signore Lazzari,
We should speak another time, on other things.
Tuo amico.

[Upon the second paper:]

Nigo vaoof-ulbpauqf lmo noodbhs vlxn palp'ff zohnim Rigo ulbpauqf. Eipa Jqmjfo + Vabpo folsqon lmo rbnultimlefo uim iqm jqmjinon (ijbhbih). Nqssonp nqjjimpbhs Sifr.
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: Odmaus Squeev
October 18, 2023, 02:15:36 AM
Had some really good character interactions with him on Ferric.

Good pc! Would Squeev again
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: Mari Blacke, the Torch
October 17, 2023, 02:20:54 AM
I generally avoid doing clerics because I am always worried about how best to represent the God of worship- It is something I've always found to be the most difficult aspect of Clerics.

You absolutely nailed it.
I'm not great at writing obits, but i'll give it a try for Ferric.

Ferric was created because of two things I wanted to try- first being a Janissary since I loved playing a Watcher in prior chapters, and second being a strength monk. I had a lot of fun with it, and I can honestly say that playing a Janissary is a blast. They have a lot of good friction with other factions, especially the Banda Ross,  whom I swear were always a hair away from street brawling with us. The legal stuff is a lot of fun- as is the politics. There is just a lot to enjoy from it- its a great experience.

In fact, the only reason I am retiring Ferric is because he is a monk and I have weird hang-ups about playing them. My biggest hang-up regarding monks has always been their philosophy aspect- which in Ferric's case, I feel like I may have not done well enough to actually explore or represent. Nevertheless, I had a good time with Ferric which is in not short thanks to the PC's he interacted with. Namely, Averroes, Joachim, Colmes, All of the Banda Rossa, Marcellus, Domnhall, the Apothars, and others.

I also want to thank Roxy, Bearic, Abala, and HB for giving me some things to do and interact with the NPCs of the Janissary.

I have a few Screenies, but not many since I suck at remembering to take them.

Ferric was my first Pc to drop as low as 0 on the good and evil spectrum, that was cool!

Big thanks for these:

Journals and Musings / Re: Aseph's Orderly Journal
October 15, 2023, 07:22:18 AM
What a day- the discovery of a Qa'im observation drone within the twilight temple was not something I ever expected.

Mari, the poor fool. I expect she kept the drone for her own reason- likely nothing having to do with Qa'im.

Still, she has a better end than many could ask for. And I do hope, despite everything, that she found rest with her god.
Journals and Musings / Revelations pt. 2
October 13, 2023, 08:20:34 PM
A large part of why my original assumptions of order and strength are not satisfactory, is due to the role of chaos. In my workings I state that only through strength can one maintain order, however, there is a slight problem with that line of thinking. The body and mind cannot be tested without chaos, and thus, cannot grow strong without exposure to it, and it only grows more complicated from there.

During my time as a Janissary, I have noticed that strength, in of itself, does not always solve problems in a way that maintains order- sometimes it requires a lack of strength and more a show of wisdom or cunning. Even chaotic actions have a place in the maintaining of order it seems, and I hypothesize that this applies to the greater reality of the world- that chaos and law play equal parts in order.

Thus, I must start over. Not just with how I view the maintaining of order, but also with my training in self mastery. For this end, I believe I must fast.
Suggestions / Better light crossbows
October 11, 2023, 07:59:34 PM
With the new change making all crossbows a x3, which I think is overall better for crossbows, I wanted to suggest that light crossbows be changed from a d8 to a d6 with an increase to their critical mod from a x3 to a x4. Less per shot damage, but with a chance to do a huge amount of damage from a lucky crit- especially as players gain better ammo and if they have access to self buffs like bard song. Currently the only major difference between a light and heavy crossbow is the damage and weight.