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Topics - CoffeeBean

Correspondence / Zina of Zina's Emporium
October 15, 2024, 01:45:25 AM

I am a representative of the Fourth's legion Janissaries; under the approval of Soldier Zoturu. I write to you now on concern related to an item within your catalogue called 'The Snaked charmers' rod of Command' and it's tangential relation to the unholy Wyrm. While it isn't necessarily illegal to buy and sell the item, that aforementioned tangential link does raise some concerns.

We will need to speak in-person at the soonest possibility.

Innocence proves nothing,
Scarab Din
Suggestions / Alignment change option
September 19, 2024, 09:09:53 PM
Minor thing, but could a way to change ones' alignment in the start area be added? It'd be a small, but appreciated change.
Suggestions / Aspect Prism Rework
July 17, 2024, 08:16:26 PM
So, given that they're pretty hard to find now days and your chances of getting the aspect you desire is 1 in 40- I'd like to make a small suggestion to towards a change in how the prisms work.

It wouldn't be too much of change, only that each prism can be used multiple times (up to about five probably), but each time it is used, the chance of success goes down as the DC for success goes up. My suggestion for ascending difficult class would be 15, 25, 35, 40, 50.
Bought a book. Figured it'd be a good record my thoughts, given that so much has changed for me in the past couple days. Hells, even if I don't, at the very least this journal can be a little extra padding against the next arrow shot my way.

Correspondence / A letter to the Red Band
May 08, 2024, 10:44:50 PM
To whomever reads this,

I have a pending security contract between myself and the Banda Rossa, but  there doesn't seem to have been any progress on its completion. If possible, I would like an update on its finalization so I can actually start paying your Recluta for what we agreed.

Live and drink,
~Scribe Greywood
QuoteDear Legates,

I've been combing the Souk records, and, with a reasonable margin of error, have determined that, on average, the stalls are rented 170 times per month. This number was determined by combining the total number of rental over three months.

At the current price, it's affords us 1,700 dinarie a month. I would suggest raising it to 35 at a minimum and 50 at a maximum. The latter of which would increase profits by 6,800.

Live and drink,
Scribe Greywood.

Journals and Musings / Alric's journal of musings
April 21, 2024, 10:18:51 PM
"If you believe you're intelligent, you're probably an idiot.
If you believe yourself to be wise, you're probably a fool.
Ego often leads to self-delusion and arrogance."

I know I'm probably the fool for it, but keeping silent on my ideas, whether they're good or bad, would be worse than having them simply dismissed. I don't know better than anyone else, but that doesn't mean my thoughts are without merit.
Correspondence / Short letters to Warmaster Colmes
April 21, 2024, 09:23:54 PM
Live and drink, Warmaster

When you have the time, I would like to discuss with you the events of the negotiation visit to Kha'esh. While I understand you've already been briefed, there are some matters I would like to talk about.

~ Junior Scribe Greywood
Correspondence / An Envelope to Gloombeard's Office
April 18, 2024, 03:03:56 AM
:: Within the Envelope, there is a letter and a document tucked neatly together ::

Legate Gloombeard,

Congratulations on your ascension to office, I look forward to working with you in the future. The document I sent with this letter has been in the works for some time, but was delayed due to the election. It would be wonderful if you could take some time to review it and make it official with your signature. Legate Saenus has already given approval and signed this copy as you will see.

Live and Drink,
Junior Scribe Greywood

Warmaster powers codified
Overview of position
When a war is officially declared by the Legates of Ephia's Well, a representative of the Legates is to be chosen to lead the war in their stead. This individual is to be chosen1 by the two legates and is limited to the following: The individual must be voiced and have been a citizen of the Well for more than (specific time period), or be among the upper ranks of those organizations belonging to the Accord. While the Warmaster serves as official representative of Ephia's Legates during war time, they do not bear the authority to make official decisions in regards to diplomacy between Ephia's Well and foreign entities. 

Council of the Warmaster
When a Warmaster is declared, a council shall be raised. This council will consist of eight seats: one for a representative from each of those organizations that belong to the Accords (including one representative from each petal of the Krak des Roses), one for a representative of the Scribes of the Sublime Garden, and two for independent advisors chosen by the Warmaster with approved from the Legates.

Orders held in disapproval by seventy-five percent of the Warmaster's council are considered null and require them to be revised. Additionally, any individual under the command of the Warmaster who refuses order, but is sponsored by a council member, will have their case reviewed by a Legate. Otherwise, the individual who has refused the order shall have their case handled by Magistrate or above.

The position of Warmaster is temporary, lasting only as long as a War is officially declared so by the Legates. However, a Warmaster may also be dismissed if the majority2 of his Council declare them unfit for the position. The council must provide a case to the joint legateship, who will ultimately decide3 if the Warmaster is unfit for the position.

1. In the event the two legates cannot agree on a candidate for Warmaster, the Chief Scribe will act as a tie breaker.
2. Five out of eight in agreement for impeachment.
3. As in subsection 1, if the legates cannot agree on if the current Warmaster is fit or unfit for their position, the Chief Scribe will once again act as tiebreaker.

Powers & Responsibilities
While the position of Warmaster is held, the following powers and responsibilities are given to the holder:
  • Executive Command: The Warmaster granted the power to issue orders to all of Ephia's military personnel; these orders must be, however, approved jointly by the current legates (or an officially chosen representative) at the time of their making. Exception: Orders may be made without legate approval if the Warmaster is commanding an active battle.
  • Citizen draft: The Warmaster, at joint approval of the current sitting Legates, may initiate a draft of all citizens of the Well, voiced or otherwise, to serve as temporary military personnel.
  • Secure spoils of war: Ensure all spoils of war are returned to the City for dissemination as directed by the Legates.
  • Plan Operations: Plan operations to be carried out by military personnel. All operations must be approved by the Legates before initiation, as well as, have an accurate formal report provided to the legates of the the operation's proceedings.
  • Appointment: The Wamaster may create positions within the Well's military that serve specific tasks for the war effort (I.E. Chief Scout, Bey of Spies, Chief Engineer, etc.). The Warmaster may appoint and dismiss individuals to these positions as desired.
  • Requisition requests: Draft requests to the legates for funds for use in service of war. This specific responsibility can be passed onto an appointed individual, however, all requests must bear the lettering of approval from the Warmaster.

Correspondence / A letter to Warmaster Colmes
April 13, 2024, 08:14:14 PM
Honored Warmaster,

At the behest of Legate Saenus, I request the names and known deeds of those who took part in operations occurring upon the Boundary and Lovers' Gap.

Live and drink,
Junior Scribe Greywood
Live and Drink,

To ensure that that the holder of the War Master position is fully enabled to fulfill their duties, I drafted an overview of the powers and responsibilities that should be bestowed upon the title. Additionally, it provides some meaningful information upon how a war master is dismissed, elected, and what checks to their power should exist. The honorable Legate Shabani has already seen a copy and bid me provide the draft to you both as well.

~ Junior Scribe Greywood

War Master powers codified
Overview of position
When a war is officially declared by the Legates of Ephia's Well, a representative1 of the Legates is to be chosen to lead the war in their stead. This individual is to be chosen by the two legates2 and is limited to the following: The individual must be voiced and have been a citizen of the Well for more than (specific time period) or be among the upper ranks of those organizations belonging to the Accord.

The position of War Master is temporary, lasting only as long as a War is officially declared so by the Legates. However, a War Master may also be dismissed if the majority of his Council3 declare them unfit for the position. The council must provide a case to the joint legateship, who will ultimately decide4 if the War Master is or isn't unfit for the position.
1: A War Master bears the privilege of being the executive commander for the military of the Well, however, possesses no authority outside of their domain. This includes diplomacy between Ephia and other entities.
2: In the event the two legates cannot agree on a candidate for War Master, the Chief Scribe will act as a tie breaker.
3: 3/4ths.
4: As in subsection 2, if the legates cannot agree on if the current War Master is fit or unfit for their position, the Chief Scribe will once again act as tiebreaker.


Orders jointly held in disapproval by the warmaster's council are null, requiring them to be revised. Additionally, any individual under the command of the War Master who refuses an order, but is sponsored by a council member, will have their case reviewed by a Magistrate or above.

Powers & Responsibilities
While the position of War Master is held, the following powers and responsibilities are held by the individual:

Executive Command: The War Master granted the power to issue orders to all of Ephia's military personnel, so long as these orders relate to the war effort.
Citizen draft: Citizens (voiced) may be drafted by the War Master to serve as military personnel.
Secure spoils of war: Ensure all spoils of war are returned to the City for dissemination as directed by the Legates.
Plan Operations: Plan operations to be carried out by military personnel. Funding for these operations must be approved by the Legates, thus any operation must also be approved by the Legates.
Appointment: The War Master may create additional positions within the Well's military that serve specific tasks for the war effort (I.E. Chief Scout, Bey of Spies, Chief Engineer, etc.)
Requisition requests: Draft requests to the legates for funds for use in service of war. This specific responsibility can be passed onto an appointed individual, however, all requests must bear the lettering of approval from the War Master.

Forward as it may be- I would like to speak to you each on the matter of allotment when time permits.

If you would be kind enough to provide a scribe with times I may make an appointment, this would be greatly appreciated.

Scarab d'Est
Suggestions / Carry capacity and stealth
February 17, 2024, 09:39:53 AM
Probably not desired/unneeded- but I would like to suggest that when carrying a PC's body, the carrier has a penalty to stealth.

It's always seemed odd to me that someone could sneak away with someone's body. It doesn't seem particularly stealthy.
by Rocco d'Est

What defines the Way of the Warrior? Is it the number of battles taken part in? Is it the bloodied path carved from the bodies of the slain, or perhaps the fortunes plundered? No. This is the way of the savage- the way of the Murderer, Agaslakku.

The Way of the warrior is more than the battles fought or the foes killed, or even to possess great skill in combat- it is instead defined by the standard we hold ourselves to as warriors. It is to live for combat untainted by dishonor, to be graceful in victory as well as humble in defeat- it is to live by your pride and die by your honor.

 It is these things that a warrior must follow, otherwise, we are nothing more than murderers lusting for our next battle.

Praise be, the sage Vittoria-
Patron of the Way of Warriors.

Advertising Litter / Stonefolk Tutor Sought
February 04, 2024, 11:39:17 PM
A rough poster is put up in the tablet.

Sought: A stonefolk tutor, preferably a warrior.

Pay: Nothing.

Applicants seek out Rocco d'Est
Journals and Musings / A Soldier's Journal
February 03, 2024, 09:30:21 AM
Every day, I get asked "why"- and what I thought was a clear answer, I now doubt. I feel like I am missing something.

What is a warrior?
Suggestions / Swashbuckler Parry
January 27, 2024, 09:26:36 PM
Hey, just a minor suggestion: When a swashbuckler has no weapon nor shield in their off hand, they get an increased parry score by their reflex mod.

Correspondence / To Jerrod
January 21, 2024, 12:06:23 AM
[ A message, sent through private channels, finds its way to Jerrod of the Creep ]

This new trading license renewal project is favorable. Can you see that it increases mercantile traffic in the Creep? It may help us find that neutral party we discussed.

~ Bluebird
Correspondence / A letter to Conrad Fellstar
January 20, 2024, 11:34:11 PM

I did some thinking on how I would make a cannon and what we we could do to improve the design. It is still a work in progress, but I do have a concept that might interest you- take a look!

- Lapa

[ With the letter, a single  and brief note is included. It details the concept of the arcane cannon and the design of one of its components ]
Correspondence / A message addressed to Legate Cassella
January 19, 2024, 10:40:25 PM

We should meet when it is next convenient for you- I can imagine that your next few days in office will be a little busy (an understatement, surely), but I hope there is  still a little time for business talks.

- Lapa